Fourth successive attempt to murder the victim in Yogi Aditynath regime in Lucknow

 Fault on the part of victim is that how did he dare to raise voice against Gangsters in the state capital operating in the state capital through their syndicates. Police in the state must curb the crime as goons are wandering on the streets in the state capital Lucknow with the sophisticated arms.  

Beerbhadra Singh <>

Fourth attempt to murder the victim even when the police is well informed about it but state capital Lucknow police is adopting lackadaisical approach to the matter.
1 message

Beerbhadra Singh <>Sun, Apr 4, 2021 at 11:15 AM
To: pmosb <>,, urgent-action <>, supremecourt <>,,,,,, RTI-Online <>,,
Sir whether premises of the government where security staffs are providing its services are safe in the state capital Lucknow? 
Sir this is fourth attempt to kill applicant cum victim as they had come today at  APC State II A  Literacy House Kanpur Road Lucknow to kill victim but  gate of the premises was closed consequently they called on security personnel at the gate. They had revolver at the driver seat and enquired about the victim. They threatened that how much time will you keep him inside the premises when will he come out of the premises then he will be targeted by our guns. 
Sir whether the goons are allowed to move freely on the streets of the state capital Lucknow. 
Herewith this representation audio conversation of the security personnel is attached who itself frightened. 
Think about the position of the victim who is raising the voice against this anarchy and lawless by overlooking dangers to life as continuous threats from gangsters. 
संदर्भ संख्या : 40015721023892 , दिनांक - 02 Apr 2021 तक की स्थिति आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण :
शिकायत संख्या:- 40015721023892 आवेदक का नाम- Ashutosh Singh
श्री मान जी अपराधियों को भारतीय दंड विधान की धारा  ३०७ में निरुद्ध किया जाना समीचीन होगा क्योकि उनका हौसला बढ़ा हुआ है और वे लोग प्रार्थी पर दो बार जान लेवा हमला कर चुके है आज तीसरी बार शाम पांच बजे १५ अराजक तत्व लाठी डंडे और राड से लैस होकर जिनके पास अत्याधुनिक असलहे भी थे प्राथी  के आवास  applicant Ashutosh Singh S/O Mr Narendra Pratap Singh APC State II A  Literacy House Kanpur Road Lucknow पर धावा बोले जो प्रदेश की राजधानी में कानून की बिगड़ती दशा का द्योतक है यह महत्वपूर्ण है की क्या उन १५ दहसत गर्दो में प्रदेश की कानून ब्यवस्था का भय है क्या सम्बन्धित पुलिस अधिकारी तीसरा प्रथम सूचना रिपोर्ट दर्ज करेंगे या अपराधियों बढे हुए मनोबल को परदेके पीछे से संजीवनी देंगे 
श्री मान जी पुलिस के समक्ष जान से मारने की धमकी देना ही पुलिस की असली पोल खोल रहा है क्या इन पंद्रह दहसत गर्दो को पुलिस का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त जो खुले आम एक शहरी को बार बार जान से मारने का प्रयास कर रहे है क्या सम्बंधित पुलिस कोई कार्यवाही की या सिर्फ मामले का तमाशबीन बन के रह जाएगी 
योगी आदित्यनाथ की कुर्सी के नीचे यह क्या तमाशा हो  रहा कानून व्यवस्था का नंगा नाच फिर भी कानून व्यवस्था चुस्त दुरुस्त अर्थात सच से कोसो दूर 
श्री मान जी १५ लोगो के विरुद्ध प्रथम सूचना रिपोर्ट दर्ज करके बलवा का मुक़दमा कायम किया जाय और प्रार्थी को सुरक्षा प्रदान की जाए अन्यथा प्रार्थी की मृत्यु के लिए प्रशासन जिम्मेदार होगा क्यों की वरिष्ठ अधिकारिओं के संज्ञान में है मामला फिर भी निचला स्तर  खड्यंत्र करने से बाज नहीं आ रहा है प्रार्थी को पुलिस की सुरक्षा प्रदान की जाए   
शिकायत संख्या:- 40015721023433 आवेदक का नाम- Ashutosh Singh
The matter concerns the biased approach of the Sarojini Nagar police station District Lucknow as they are shielding the offenders by not lodging the First Information Report under appropriate sections of the Indian Penal Code. 
Copy of the medical report attached to this representation carried out under the direction of senior rank staff of the police itself disclosing the gravity of the offence as still after four days of assault in medical examination of the victim blood clots found on the upper lid of the Left eye and lower eyelid is also injured quite obvious black colour clotted blood which 3-4 days old quite obvious from the medical report. 
Sir second assault on the applicant cum victim within a week and not lodging First Information Report under relevant sections of Indian Penal by the Sarojini Nagar police station District Lucknow itself putting integrity of the police under cloud. 
Whether police was taken under good faith during the second assault quite obvious from the circumstantial evidence as lackadaisical approach of police of  Sarojini Nagar police station District Lucknow dealing with the matter? Here second assault and apathy of police concerned may be considered as a criminal conspiracy to terrorize the victim by colluding with the police as a threat of lodging F.I.R. in the first assault on the victim.
This is humble request of your applicant to direct Sarojini Nagar police station District Lucknow to rectify the First Information Report under the light of the medical report of the government doctor carried out under the direction of a senior rank police officer attached to the representation and arrest the accused whose identity is available to police.  
संदर्भ संख्या : 40015721022840 , दिनांक - 01 Apr 2021 तक की स्थिति
आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण : शिकायत संख्या:-40015721022840 आवेदक का नाम-Ashutosh Singh
 आख्या क्षेत्राधिकारी / सहायक पुलिस आयुक्त पुलिस  31-03-2021 29-04-2021 थानाध्‍यक्ष/प्रभारी नि‍रीक्षक-सरोजनी नगर,जनपद-लखनऊ,पुलिस कृपया उपरोक्त सबंध में तत्काल नियमानुसार कार्यवाही कर कृत कार्यवाही से अवगत कराने का कष्ट करें कार्यालय स्तर पर लंबित
Brief summary of the case herein as follows. 
The matter concerns the F.I.R. lodged on 23/03/2021 in the Krishna Nagar police station District- Lucknow under section 307 of the India Penal Code. Your applicant Ashutosh Singh S/O Mr Narendra Pratap Singh APC State II A  Literacy House Kanpur Road Lucknow.  
Four individuals of criminal mind attacked the applicant with iron rods assaulted on the head and description of Jaguar Car along with the registration number used by criminals is available to the police. 
Moreover, a second assault was committed on 29/03/2021 on the applicant just after one week and the first information report was lodged in the Sarojini Nagar police station District Lucknow under section 352 and 427 of the Indian penal code
Sir information sought under Right to Information Action 2005 but portal did not send registration number still after deduction of Rs.10 and they have been acting like inscrutable face sphinx. 
Following is the message sent on the registered mobile number of the applicant as
Dear Customer, OTP to approve transaction of Rs. 10.00 from your A/c No. ending 1675 to UP CYBER TREASURY is 38679589. Do not share with anyone. -SBI 
Dear Customer, Thx for INB txn of Rs.10 frm A/c X1675 to UP CYBER T... Ref#IK0BBJVWJ9 on 30Mar21. If not done,fwd this SMS to 9223008333 to block INB or call 1800111109 -SBI 
प्रार्थी को वांछित सूचना 

  The matter concerns the F.I.R. lodged on 23/03/2021 in the Krishna Nagar police station District- Lucknow under section 307 of the India Penal Code. Your applicant Ashutosh Singh S/O Mr Narendra Pratap Singh APC State II A  Literacy House Kanpur Road Lucknow.  
Four individuals of criminal mind attacked the applicant with iron rods assaulted on the head and description of Jaguar Car along with the registration number used by criminals is available to the police. 
Moreover, a second assault was committed on 29/03/2021 on the applicant just after one week and the first information report was lodged in the Sarojni Nagar police station District Lucknow under section 352 and 427 of the Indian penal code
Provide the following information point wise as sought. 
1-Provide the further action detail in the aforementioned lodged F.I.R. in the Krishna Nagar police station as well as in the Sarojini Nagar police station.
2-Provide offenders details if any arrested by the police.
3-Provide action taken regarding vehicle used by offenders as details available to police. 

 Please provide the registration number as I have completed every step and the last step after the completion of the transaction, the process suddenly stopped because of an error message. 

This is a humble request of your applicant to you Hon’ble Sir that how can anyone justify to withhold public services arbitrarily and promote anarchy, lawlessness and chaos arbitrarily by making the mockery of law of land? There is need of the hour to take harsh steps against the wrongdoer to win the confidence of citizenry and strengthen the democratic values for healthy and prosperous democracy. For this, your applicant shall ever pray for you, Hon’ble Sir.

Date-04/04/2021                       Yours sincerely

                            Ashutosh Singh S/O Mr. Narendra Pratap Singh Mobile number-8687593247 APC State II A  Literacy House Kanpur Road Lucknow.  

2 attachments
Ashutosh 1.pdf
Beerbhadra Singh

To write blogs and applications for the deprived sections who can not raise their voices to stop their human rights violations by corrupt bureaucrats and executives.


Your view points inspire us

  1. Where is the good governance in the state of Uttar Pradesh?
    Fault on the part of victim is that how did he dare to raise voice against Gangsters in the state capital operating in the state capital through their syndicates? Police in the state must curb the crime as goons are wandering on the streets in the state capital Lucknow with the sophisticated arms.

  2. It seems that police itself hatching conspiracy against the aggrieved victim which is quite obvious from the mysterious working style of the Lucknow police and the track record of the Lucknow police is not very well as it itself remained indulged in the criminal activities which is showing that if the predators be protectors then who will shield?

  3. Whether it is not reflecting the failure of law and order in the state of Uttar Pradesh which is quite obvious from the cryptic working style of the police in the state capital Lucknow. Assault on the victim is repeated but no action on the part of police which implies that police in the state capital has been incompetent and this is a great problem before the law and order machinery in the state.

  4. This is fourth successive assault on the victim and positive aspect is that victim has courage to lodge FIR against the offenders but most desperating thing is on the part of police that state capital Lucknow police is adopting lackadaisical approach in the matter which is encouraging offenders to pressurize the victims family by threatening to kill them which is not only unconstitutional but a reflection of a forest rule in the state of Uttar Pradesh and failure of law and order machinery in the state.

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