MGKVP University is looting vulnerable student by taking concerned government functionaries in good faith.



An anti-corruption crusader. Motive to build a strong society based on the principle of universal brotherhood. Human rights defender and RTI activist.


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  1. The matter is concerned with the additional fee charging by the Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidya Pith University Varanasi from the vulnerable students and D.M. Varanasi put the carpet and shielded this corrupt practice and divisional commissioner concerned approved the corrupt dealings without considering the pros and cons of the matter.

  2. There is substantial evidence of wrongdoings but it is unfortunate that concerned government functionaries are not taking any action in the matter because of the rampant corruption in the government machinery. While the need of hour is that there must be 0% tolerance to the corrupt activities taking place in the public offices.

  3. If everything is ok why are they not providing information to the complainant which means something is wrong and they are concealing the fact by colluding with the corrupt public functionaries of the Government of Uttar Pradesh, they are putting carpet on the wrongdoings.

  4. Government of Uttar Pradesh is not taking any action in the matter even when there is ample evidence of wrongdoings. Sir students belong to vulnerable section and they are being openly looted and government functionaries are not taking any action against offenders. Still Yogi Aditynath is honest if someone has courage to speak truth he will be harassed in this anarchy like Yogi M. P. Singh.

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