Grievance Status for registration number : DOTEL/E/2021/19935
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Yogi M P Singh
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Grievance Description
Telecommunications >> Mobile Related >> Data Speed lower than commited
Mobile Number : 9794103433
Service Provider : M/s.Bharti Airtel Ltd.
Circle : Not Applicable
The matter concerns with the poor data supply speed on the mobile number 9794103433 which is quite obvious from the fact that even network speed test is not feasible at this time. Whether arbitrariness and non transparency in providing the public services by the Bharti Airtel a private sector undertaking of the Government of India is justified? This is not the first complaint against the third grade services being provided by the Barti Airtel, but they are her harassing time and again.
Current Status
Case closed
Date of Action
Customer complained regarding network related issue, Called customer and get the confirmation from him that the below mentioned highlighted cocnern has been addressed and resolved.
Reply Document
Rating Remarks
Concerned Airtel service provider staff may provide data uses detail with the navigation detail. You may refund my money paid as the subscription of the last internet pack.
Officer Concerns To
Officer Name
Mr. Nitin Grover
Officer Designation
Head Customer Complaints
Contact Address
M/s.Bharti Airtel Ltd. Plot Number 16, 2nd Floor Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV Gurgaon, Haryana
Email Address
Contact Number
Reminder(s) / Clarification(s)
Reminder Date
Here no proper grievance redress is available to consumers and service providers companies doing business in the communication sector treat customers arbitrarily and if aggrieved knocks the door of the concerned department then in the name redress of the grievance, they make available parrot note which is made available by them in every case. Whether best service means they have written in the grievance that they are providing best services to the customers but unfortunately these services are not reaching to them. In future, they will make efforts to improve the services. Whether these stupid public servants can not say that you may talk regarding the particular grievance and touch the submissions of the aggrieved customer. As far as competency of the public servants are concerned, most are passed in their academic exams through copy, so they have no knowledge and have no ability to understand the contents of submitted grievances. Here conditions of the public staffs to consumers are disastrous and the need of hour is that we need a transparent and accountable mechanism with competent staffs having impeccable integrity and no support to growing corruption which is rampant at present in our government machinery.
Registration Number
Concerned Airtel service provider staff may provide data uses detail with the navigation detail. You may refund my money paid as the subscription of the last internet pack.
Your Appeal is registered successfully
Appeal Number: DOTEL/E/A/21/0004613
Please note down your appeal registration number for future references.Gmail Beerbhadra Singh <>
Regarding airtel mobile number 9794760348
Beerbhadra Singh <> Sat, Jun 26, 2021 at 9:28 PM
To: airtel dotcomplaints <>,,, pmosb <>, supremecourt <>, urgent-action <>,
Following message received on the mobile number -9794103433 and now services of the Airtel are stopped thereafter.
50% ALERT: Aapke rozana data usage par. Recharge Rs89 se paye 6GB (maujooda vaidhta tak) & anand lein Prime video mobile Edition ka 28 din.
Time: 26-06-2021 18:55:52
I have made following complaints against Airtel company but only arbitrary parrot reply which is inconsistent to submissions of the grievance.
Where are rest 50 percent data and why services of the Airtel company are stopped?
Undoubtedly act of company Airtel is tantamount to robbery unfortunately no action will be taken in regime of like minded
Think about quantum of corruption, Airtel did not provide how the 1.5 G.B. data exhausted merely in 8 minutes reflects anarchy?
Airtel has been most corrupt as according to it I consumed 1.5 G.B data in merely 8 minutes but not providing data consumption detail
Think about the gravity of situation that Airtel company is looting its consumers by taking government functionaries in good faith
Concerned Airtel service provider staff may provide data uses detail with the navigation detail. You may refund my money paid as the subscription of the last internet pack. Grievance Status for registration number : DOTEL/E/2021/20366 Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Yogi M. P. Singh Date of Receipt 23/06/2021
Received By Ministry/Department Telecommunications
Grievance Description-The matter concerns with the mobile number 9794103433 .
Service provider Airtel may refund the amount paid for the last recharge for the subscription of the internet pack. Now it is dead sure that they can not provide services. Their irregularity is attached and several complaints made but their corruption will not stop. How the 1.5 G.B. data used by the applicant detail must be made available to the applicant? सोचिये भ्र्ष्टाचार का आलम यह है की आठ मिनट में ही १.५ जी बी डाटा ख़त्म और यदि पूछेंगे कोई बहाना बना देंगे अभी जो ५९८ रुपये का जो रिचार्ज हुआ है उसे रिफंड कर दे कोई ऐसे डकैतों का कैसे भरोसा कर सकता है New Recharge made on 06-06-2021 at 02:04PM on Airtel Mobile number 9794103433 For more detail vide attached grievance.You may explain, how can you close the service if the applicant just did the recharge of 598 INR from the Amazon online shopping? At that you were promoting that customer may purchase the internet pack of 3 GB data or 12 GB for 98 INR through SMS. Whether such dealings on the part of Airtel company is justified, that recharge of 598 INR was ignored and making an attempt to press the customer through means of cheating to purchase more data in order to benefit the company illegally. On 22 June 2021, you exhausted the entire 1.5 GB data in just 20 minutes and again sought that applicant may purchase the internet pack of 3 GB data or 12 GB for 98 INR through SMS. Whether such corrupt practices on the part of the corrupt Airtel company is justified? Applicant is using Airtel 4 G dongle and 4 G services of the Airtel service provider are in dilapidated state. which is quite obvious from the attached screenshot of speed test taken online. Think about the gravity of the situation that even Gmail pages are not loading showing errors quite obvious from the attached screenshot.
Whether under such circumstances my demand for a refund of an internet pack of 598 INR is unjustified? Repeated complaints are being made but they are not mending their ways as they are worms of corruption so can not come out from the mud of corruption.
खुदा भी आसमाँ से जब जमी पे देखता होगा |
इस मेरे प्यारे देश को क्या हुआ सोचता होगा||
This is a humble request of your applicant to you Hon’ble Sir that how can it be justified to withhold public services arbitrarily and promote anarchy, lawlessness and chaos arbitrarily by making the mockery of law of land? There is need of the hour to take harsh steps against the wrongdoer to win the confidence of citizenry and strengthen the democratic values for healthy and prosperous democracy. For this, your applicant shall ever pray for you, Hon’ble Sir.
Date-26/06/2021 Yours sincerely
Yogi M. P. Singh, Mobile number-7379105911,
Mohalla- Surekapuram, Jabalpur Road, District-Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, Pin code-231001.
On Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 4:18 PM airtel dotcomplaints <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Yogi M P Singh,
This is in reference to your complaint to DOT vide reference number DOCAF/E/2021/02776, regarding data consumption related issue for your airtel mobile number 9794760348.
We apologize for the inconvenience that you have been facing this issue. We understand how upsetting this must be and we appreciate your patience in this matter.
As per your telephonic discussion on 9794760348 with the undersigned dated 25th June 2021, this is to apprise you that as the speed is higher in 3G/4G, the content download is much faster in 3G/4G. You would have experienced that there is no buffering while you are using 3G/ 4G network.
This leads to higher content download in lesser time, hence you feel more data is getting consumed in less time.
Let me share some tips to save on data:
1. View or Download the videos in low resolution. The lower the resolution, lesser would be the size of the content. However, let me tell you that this may impact the quality of the content.
2. Disable AUTO UPDATE option in your mobile while connected to mobile/home WIFI as it leads to auto updates of the applications resulting in higher data consumption.
3. You can turn off "Mobile Data" to stop net usage when not required and you can turn it on as per your need.
Further, we would request you to please sent an SMS on EPREBILL Month(Jun) your email id and send it to 121.
Furthermore, It is always important for us to hear how customers react to all aspects of our services. Strong customer feedback like yours helps us continue to improve the service we provide. We value the relationship built with you. Also we have shared your feedback with the concerned team.
Regarding airtel mobile number 9794760348
Beerbhadra Singh <> Sat, Jun 26, 2021 at 9:28 PM
To: airtel dotcomplaints <>,,, pmosb <>, supremecourt <>, urgent-action <>,
Following message received on the mobile number -9794103433 and now services of the Airtel are stopped thereafter.
50% ALERT: Aapke rozana data usage par. Recharge Rs89 se paye 6GB (maujooda vaidhta tak) & anand lein Prime video mobile Edition ka 28 din.
Time: 26-06-2021 18:55:52
I have made following complaints against Airtel company but only arbitrary parrot reply which is inconsistent to submissions of the grievance.
Where are rest 50 percent data and why services of the Airtel company are stopped?
Undoubtedly act of company Airtel is tantamount to robbery unfortunately no action will be taken in regime of like minded
Think about quantum of corruption, Airtel did not provide how the 1.5 G.B. data exhausted merely in 8 minutes reflects anarchy?
Airtel has been most corrupt as according to it I consumed 1.5 G.B data in merely 8 minutes but not providing data consumption detail
Think about the gravity of situation that Airtel company is looting its consumers by taking government functionaries in good faith
Concerned Airtel service provider staff may provide data uses detail with the navigation detail. You may refund my money paid as the subscription of the last internet pack. Grievance Status for registration number : DOTEL/E/2021/20366 Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Yogi M. P. Singh Date of Receipt 23/06/2021
Received By Ministry/Department Telecommunications
Grievance Description-The matter concerns with the mobile number 9794103433 .
Service provider Airtel may refund the amount paid for the last recharge for the subscription of the internet pack. Now it is dead sure that they can not provide services. Their irregularity is attached and several complaints made but their corruption will not stop. How the 1.5 G.B. data used by the applicant detail must be made available to the applicant? सोचिये भ्र्ष्टाचार का आलम यह है की आठ मिनट में ही १.५ जी बी डाटा ख़त्म और यदि पूछेंगे कोई बहाना बना देंगे अभी जो ५९८ रुपये का जो रिचार्ज हुआ है उसे रिफंड कर दे कोई ऐसे डकैतों का कैसे भरोसा कर सकता है New Recharge made on 06-06-2021 at 02:04PM on Airtel Mobile number 9794103433 For more detail vide attached grievance.You may explain, how can you close the service if the applicant just did the recharge of 598 INR from the Amazon online shopping? At that you were promoting that customer may purchase the internet pack of 3 GB data or 12 GB for 98 INR through SMS. Whether such dealings on the part of Airtel company is justified, that recharge of 598 INR was ignored and making an attempt to press the customer through means of cheating to purchase more data in order to benefit the company illegally. On 22 June 2021, you exhausted the entire 1.5 GB data in just 20 minutes and again sought that applicant may purchase the internet pack of 3 GB data or 12 GB for 98 INR through SMS. Whether such corrupt practices on the part of the corrupt Airtel company is justified? Applicant is using Airtel 4 G dongle and 4 G services of the Airtel service provider are in dilapidated state. which is quite obvious from the attached screenshot of speed test taken online. Think about the gravity of the situation that even Gmail pages are not loading showing errors quite obvious from the attached screenshot.
Whether under such circumstances my demand for a refund of an internet pack of 598 INR is unjustified? Repeated complaints are being made but they are not mending their ways as they are worms of corruption so can not come out from the mud of corruption.
खुदा भी आसमाँ से जब जमी पे देखता होगा |
इस मेरे प्यारे देश को क्या हुआ सोचता होगा||
This is a humble request of your applicant to you Hon’ble Sir that how can it be justified to withhold public services arbitrarily and promote anarchy, lawlessness and chaos arbitrarily by making the mockery of law of land? There is need of the hour to take harsh steps against the wrongdoer to win the confidence of citizenry and strengthen the democratic values for healthy and prosperous democracy. For this, your applicant shall ever pray for you, Hon’ble Sir.
Date-26/06/2021 Yours sincerely
Yogi M. P. Singh, Mobile number-7379105911,
Mohalla- Surekapuram, Jabalpur Road, District-Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, Pin code-231001.
On Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 4:18 PM airtel dotcomplaints <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Yogi M P Singh,
This is in reference to your complaint to DOT vide reference number DOCAF/E/2021/02776, regarding data consumption related issue for your airtel mobile number 9794760348.
We apologize for the inconvenience that you have been facing this issue. We understand how upsetting this must be and we appreciate your patience in this matter.
As per your telephonic discussion on 9794760348 with the undersigned dated 25th June 2021, this is to apprise you that as the speed is higher in 3G/4G, the content download is much faster in 3G/4G. You would have experienced that there is no buffering while you are using 3G/ 4G network.
This leads to higher content download in lesser time, hence you feel more data is getting consumed in less time.
Let me share some tips to save on data:
1. View or Download the videos in low resolution. The lower the resolution, lesser would be the size of the content. However, let me tell you that this may impact the quality of the content.
2. Disable AUTO UPDATE option in your mobile while connected to mobile/home WIFI as it leads to auto updates of the applications resulting in higher data consumption.
3. You can turn off "Mobile Data" to stop net usage when not required and you can turn it on as per your need.
Further, we would request you to please sent an SMS on EPREBILL Month(Jun) your email id and send it to 121.
Furthermore, It is always important for us to hear how customers react to all aspects of our services. Strong customer feedback like yours helps us continue to improve the service we provide. We value the relationship built with you. Also we have shared your feedback with the concerned team.
सोचिये भ्र्ष्टाचार का आलम यह है की आठ मिनट में ही १.५ जी बी डाटा ख़त्म और यदि पूछेंगे कोई बहाना बना देंगे अभी जो ५९८ रुपये का जो रिचार्ज हुआ है उसे रिफंड कर दे कोई ऐसे डकैतों का कैसे भरोसा कर सकता है New Recharge made on 06-06-2021 at 02:04PM on Airtel Mobile number 9794103433 For more detail vide attached grievance.You may explain, how can you close the service if the applicant just did the recharge of 598 INR from the Amazon online shopping?
ReplyDeleteUndoubtedly service provider Airtel company has crossed entire limit and its staffs are indulged in deep rooted corruption stealing the data of the consumers which is not only illegal but a criminal offence and for such officers they must be subjected to the panel proceedings of the law of land and most surprising thing is that constitutional functionaries like telecom regulatory authority are acting like puppets of the corrupt public service providers.
ReplyDeleteFrom the post it is quite obvious that staff of service provider Airtel company is not redressing the grievance according to the prayer and submissions made by the complainant but they are submitting inconsistent arbitrary reports on the public grievance portal of the Government of India and applicant is making efforts so that they may provide the data user report along with the navigation report but company Airtel is running away from providing such information which may expose the corrupt deeds of the staff of the company through which they are looting the innocent and gullible citizens of this country.
ReplyDeleteHere it is well established fact that Airtel company steals data of the the consumers and it does not provide the satisfactory services to the consumers its ulterior design is hidden before the consumers as it does not provide the promised data to the consumers to use if they are honest why are they not providing user data detail and there navigations so that everything may be clear.
ReplyDeleteIf the fire department or ambulance service cannot see your house number from the road, the extra few minutes to five area codes you should never answer they spend looking for your home could be a matter of life or death.