IC Dr. Amita Pandove will hear the appeal against CPIO RRB Banglore on 09 Nov 2021 at 11:30 AM


Schedule Hearing CPIO Details.


Central Information Commission (CIC) no-reply@nic.in via nic.in 

11 Oct 2021, 11:57 (2 days ago)

to me

Dear Madam/Sir,

Your case has been scheduled for hearing in the Commission. Case details are given below:

1 File Number CIC/RAILB/A/2019/655480

2 Information Commissioner Dr. Amita Pandove

3 Hearing Date / Time 09-11-2021 11:30 AM

4 Hearing Venue N.I.C. District Centre, Collectorate Complex, District - Mirzapur-231001 (Uttar Pradesh)

5 Appellant Name Yogi M P Singh

6 Appellant Address Mohalla Surekapuram, Jabalpur Road, District Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh-231001

7 Public Authority Railway Board

8 CPIO details


CPIO Name :  The Central Public Information Officer,

Venue Address :  Scientist D, NIC, 4th Floor, F Wing, Kendriya Sadan, Koramangala, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560034

Your Case CIC/RAILB/A/2019/655480 has been scheduled for hearing on 09/11/2021 Time 11:30 AM .Please, click here to view hearing Notice

Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <yogimpsingh@gmail.com>

Whether it is not mockery of Right to Information Act 2005 that arbitrary replies are made under it?
1 message

Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <yogimpsingh@gmail.com>1 October 2019 at 23:46
To: pmosb <pmosb@pmo.nic.in>, supremecourt <supremecourt@nic.in>, presidentofindia@rb.nic.in, urgent-action <urgent-action@ohchr.org>, Anjali Anand Srivastava <secy-cic@nic.in>, msrrbbnc@gmail.com, rrbbnc46@gmail.com

An appeal under subsection 3 of section 19 of the Right to Information Act 2005 to seek information from the 


                                  Chief Information Commissioner of India

                                The Central Information Commission,

                                            Baba Gangnath Marg, Munirka,

                              New Delhi - 110 067

Appellant Yogi M. P. Singh, Mohalla-Surekapuram

Jabalpur Road, District-Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, Pin code -231001


1-Central Public Information Officer, SUVARNA DESHPANDE DASH

Phone: 080-23334147


2-First Appellate Authority 


Phone: 080-23330378


Cryptic denial of sought Information was made available by CPIO after 67 days but no violation of provision for F.A.A. & F.A.A. blindly overlooked the arbitrary denial of sought information. 
Sought Information-
1-Matter concerned with railway recruitment Board Allahabad was processed by B. Kasiviswanathan, Chairman, Railway Recruitment board Bangalore in the attached grievance so please provide the reason as required under subsection 1 d of section 4 of R.T.I. Act of 2005. 2-Provide the duration would be taken by Railway recruitment board to refund the excess paid fee of Kuldeep Kumar Chaudhary as promised. 3-Provide posting and designation detail of staff who processed the attached grievance.
Reply of the CPIO -With reference to your RTI application cited above, It is advised that the details sought are grievance which do not come under the definition of information under RTI Act.

Decision of the FAA-With reference to your appeal cited above it is advised that, the initial RTI application dt. 09/06/2019 has been replied by APIO/RRB/Bangalore on 16/08/2019 and stands good. Hence, this appeal is disposed.
Most revered Sir –Your applicant invites the kind attention of Hon’ble Sir with due respect to following submissions as follows.
1-It is submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that following is the concerned grievance which is core issue to seek information. 

Grievance Status for registration number : MORLY/E/2019/06094

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant -Yogi M. P. Singh Date of Receipt -24/04/2019

Received By Ministry/Department -Railways, ( Railway Board)

Grievance Description

An application under article 51 A of the constitution of India for the refund of paid fee as promised by the recruiting agency Railway Recruitment Board Allahabad.

The matter is concerned with the non-refund of the paid fee of the Kuldeep Kumar Chaudhary whose registration number is 1381792722 and roll number is 132017084810275 and receipt of the examination hall is attached to the grievance.

Sir, a message was sent on the e-mail of the aggrieved aspirant Kuldeep Kumar Chaudhary on 01 April 2019 at 46 minutes past 8 O clock in the evening.

Dear Candidate, Your Exam fee refund for CEN 02/2018 initiated by RRBs had failed due to incorrect bank details furnished by you in the application. You were given a one-time opportunity to correct your bank account details immediately through the Update Bank Account link provided on the official websites of RRBs. Detail is attached.

Subsequently, your applicant rectified IFSC code by substituting O by 0 and it is unfortunate that still, you have not refunded the paid fee as promised by the recruiting agency.

Again you may take a glance of the Bank detail as the scanned copy of passbook is attached to the grievance. I expect that no further excuse will be made by the concerned by taking the recourse of which poor aspirant may be deprived of its money which belongs to him.

Again account detail of the applicant is provided herewith so that no more confusion may arise at this juncture. Name of the account holder-KULDIP KUMAR CHAUDHARY Name of Father-RAMBABU CHAUDHARY IFSC Code-BARB0JABMIR and the account number is 10380100025087

Grievance Document  Current Status -Case closed

Date of Action -16/05/2019

Remarks -With reference to the above, it is advised that your “Refund of Examination Fee” on attending CBT for the post of Level -1 of 7th CPC of CEN 02/2018, is under process.


Rating Remarks

1-Matter concerned with railway recruitment Board Allahabad was processed by B. Kasiviswanathan, Chairman, Railway Recruitment board Bangalore in the attached grievance so please provide the reason as required under subsection 1 d of section 4 of R.T.I. Act of 2005. 2-Provide the duration would be taken by Railway recruitment board to refund the excess paid fee of Kuldeep Kumar Chaudhary as promised. 3-Provide posting and designation detail of staff who processed the attached grievance.

Officer Concerns To Officer Name -B. Kasiviswanathan Officer Designation -Chairman

Contact Address Railway Recruitment board/bangalore 18,Miller road Bangalore

Email Address rrbbnc@gmail.com Contact Number -08023333453 Reminder(s) / Clarification(s)  Reminder Date


Complaint was received by the concerned on 24/04/2019 but not redressed still which implies that concerned staffs of the public authority have no sympathy with the aggrieved student.Aggrieved student belongs to the oppressed class and those not interested to refund the paid fee committing criminal act of cheating so must be subjected to scrutiny under scheduled caste and scheduled tribes act.

 Pasted from <https://pgportal.gov.in/Status/Detail>

 2-It is submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that following is the online submitted online R.T.I. Communique.

Online RTI Request Form Details

 RTI Request Details :- RTI Request Registration number  RRBBL/R/2019/80222

Public Authority RRB (Railway Recruitment Board), Bangalore

Personal Details of RTI Applicant:-

Name Yogi M P Singh

Gender Male

Address Mohalla Surekapuram , Jabalpur Road, District Mirzapur Pincode 231001

Country India

State Uttar Pradesh

Status Urban

Educational Status Literate

 Above Graduate

Phone Number

Details not provided

Mobile Number




Request Details :-



Is the Requester Below Poverty Line ?


(Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters)


Description of Information Sought


1-Matter concerned with railway recruitment Board Allahabad was processed by B. Kasiviswanathan, Chairman, Railway Recruitment board Bangalore in the attached grievance so please provide the reason as required under subsection 1 d of section 4 of R.T.I. Act of 2005. 2-Provide the duration would be taken by Railway recruitment board to refund the excess paid fee of Kuldeep Kumar Chaudhary as promised. 3-Provide posting and designation detail of staff who processed the attached grievance.


Concerned CPIO


Supporting document (only pdf upto 1 MB)



Pasted from <https://rtionline.gov.in/request/regdetails.php?regId=kbTjWINZfcPtZR04cWdMXn4VPJj5%2By04NV3tXzEk1Gw%3D>

 3-It is submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that following is the status of the R.T.I. Communique.

Online RTI Status Form

Note:Fields marked with * are Mandatory.

Enter Registration Number



Yogi M P Singh

Date of filing


Public Authority

RRB (Railway Recruitment Board), Bangalore



Date of action


Reply :- With reference to your RTI application cited above, It is advised that the details sought are grievance which do not come under the definition of information under RTI Act.


CPIO Details :-


Phone: 080-23334147


First Appellate Authority Details :-


Phone: 080-23330378


Nodal Officer Details :-


Telephone Number


Email Id



Pasted from <https://rtionline.gov.in/request/status.php>


  4-It is submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that following is first appeal submitted under subsection 1 of section 19 of the Right to Information Act 2005.

Online RTI Appeal Form Details


RTI Appeal Details :-

RTI Appeal Registration number


Public Authority

RRB (Railway Recruitment Board), Bangalore

Personal Details of Appellant:-

Request Registration Number


Request Registration Date



Yogi M P Singh




Mohalla Surekapuram , Jabalpur Road, District Mirzapur






Uttar Pradesh



Educational Status



Above Graduate

Phone Number

Details not provided

Mobile Number




Appeal Details :-



Is the Requester Below Poverty Line ?


Ground For Appeal

No Response Within the Time Limit

CPIO of Public Authority approached


CPIO's Order/Decision Number

Details not provided

CPIO's Order/Decision Date


(Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters)


Prayer or Relief Sought


Sir how can it be justified that CPIO violated the provision of Right to Information Act 2005 as under subsection 1 of section 7 of Right to Information Act 2005, he had to make available information within 30 days from the date of the receipt of the R.T.I. Communique. Here CPIO remained failed in complying the provisions of transparency act so action must be taken against him. Information sought must be provided to the appellant as soon as possible.


Supporting document (only pdf upto 1 MB)

Supporting document not provided


Pasted from <https://rtionline.gov.in/request/regdetails.php?regId=9giUIAIsG1kq5gF1zTy0cvUFuHlfB5B%2B7hdTQf5ediw%3D>

 5-It is submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that following is the status of the aforementioned submitted online appeal.

Online RTI First Appeal Status Form

Note:Fields marked with  are Mandatory.

Enter Registration Number



Yogi M P Singh

Date of filing


Public Authority

RRB (Railway Recruitment Board), Bangalore



Date of action


Reply :- With reference to your appeal cited above it is advised that, the initial RTI application dt. 09/06/2019 has been replied by APIO/RRB/Bangalore on 16/08/2019 and stands good. Hence, this appeal is disposed.


Nodal Officer Details :-


Telephone Number


Email Id



Pasted from <https://rtionline.gov.in/request/status.php>

This is a humble request of the applicant to you Hon’ble Sir that how can it be justified to withhold public services arbitrarily and promote anarchy, lawlessness, and chaos in an arbitrary manner by making the mockery of law of land? This is need of the hour to take harsh steps against the wrongdoer in order to win the confidence of citizenry and strengthen the democratic values for healthy and prosperous democracy. For this, your applicant shall ever pray you, Hon’ble Sir.                                                         

                                                                                                                             Yours sincerely

Date-01-10-2019              Yogi M. P. Singh, Mobile number-7379105911, Mohalla- Surekapuram, Jabalpur Road, District-Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, Pin code-231001.

An anti-corruption crusader. Motive to build a strong society based on the principle of universal brotherhood. Human rights defender and RTI activist.


Your view points inspire us

  1. Cryptic denial of sought Information was made available by CPIO after 67 days but no violation of provision for F.A.A. & F.A.A. blindly overlooked the arbitrary denial of sought information.
    Reply of the CPIO -With reference to your RTI application cited above, It is advised that the details sought are grievance which do not come under the definition of information under RTI Act.

    Decision of the FAA-With reference to your appeal cited above it is advised that, the initial RTI application dt. 09/06/2019 has been replied by APIO/RRB/Bangalore on 16/08/2019 and stands good. Hence, this appeal is disposed.

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