DEABD/E/2022/42808 Name Yogi M. P. Singh, AGM CUSTOMER SERVICES LHO LUC,

Branch manager City branch State Bank of India stated in its reply as follows.
we have informed customer regarding the card activation process as the card held with the customer is inactive. after the activation process all the services related to the debit card will resume.
I want to draw the kind attention of the accountable staff of the State Bank of India to the screen shot taken from the internet banking of the applicant which is categorically showing that ATM card issued to the applicant is active so there is no need to initiate the process of activation because process of activation has been already carried out by the applicant and the branch manager city branch of the State Bank of India district Mirzapur only misleading the not only applicant but the senior rank officers of the State Bank of India.
Think about the gravity of situation that entire customer care of the State Bank are saying that ATM card is activated and showing active but the branch manager is saying that ATM card is inactive and redressing the grievances arbitrarily which is the root cause of numerous grievances are being submitted by the applicant. Multiple grivances on the same subject is being submitted because of the incompetence of the branch manager of the city branch of the State Bank of India district Mirzapur 

On Tue 21 Jun, 2022, 17:21 AGM CUSTOMER SERVICES LHO LUC, <> wrote:

Dear Sir, 

Please Find Branch / RBO reply on Your Grievances.


Asstt.General Manager

State Bank Of India

Customer Care Cell

Local Head Office


NEVER respond to any popup,email,SMS,or phone calls" seeking your personal information

such as :- ATM card details ,PIN & OTP ,Username,Password,Mobile Number,Adhar Number etc

Report Unauthorised Transactions SBI Helpline: 1800111109 (Toll Free)

From: SBI MIRZAPUR CITY(12731) <>
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2022 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: DEABD/E/2022/42808 Name Yogi M. P. Singh
Dear sir,

we have informed customer regarding the card activation process as the card held with the customer is inactive. after the activation process all the services related to the debit card will resume.


शाखा प्रबंधक

भारतीय स्टेट बैंक

मिर्जापुर सिटी शाखा

मिर्जापुर -231001

The information in this mail is confidential and is intended solely for addressee. Access to this mail by anyone else is unauthorized. Copying or further distribution beyond the original recipient may be unlawful. Any opinion expressed in this mail is that of sender and does not necessarily reflect that of State Bank group.

An anti-corruption crusader. Motive to build a strong society based on the principle of universal brotherhood. Human rights defender and RTI activist.


Your view points inspire us

  1. Bank karmchari ki laparvahi rahti hai unka customer ki taraf unka Dhyan hi nahin jata hai

  2. They are deliberately not not taking any interest in redressing the grievances of the customers which is the root cause of Mismanagement in the working of the bankers.

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