Information sought concerning email of office of president to chief secretary by department of revenue has been denied arbitrarily by them


Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <>

Here concerned PIO is the PIO of the public authority who is currently the file custodian of the email forwarded by the office of the president and processing it.
1 message

Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <>8 October 2022 at 18:57
To:,,,,, "Chief Secretary U. P." <>, Chief Minister <'>, Governor Uttar Pradesh <>,
Talent is God gifted and most unfortunate our public system lacks it. Only one PIO belonging to the office of chief secretary understood the contents and took appropriate action and others at least did self-study for two hours daily.  
Online RTI First Appeal Form
Data to be entered only in English
Subject matter of RTI Application is related to other Public Authorities. RTI Application has been transferred to concerned Public Authority u/s 6(3) of the RTI Act. Kindly Submit First Appeal to concerned Public Authority.

Reason for Rejection- Rule 4(2)(a).
Remarks- The information sought should be a part of the record held by or under the control of the public authority concerned.

1-Registration Number DOCSO/R/2022/60265 Name Yogi M P Singh Date of Filing 13/07/2022
2-Registration Number REVDP/R/2022/80163 Name Yogi M P Singh Date of Filing 19/07/2022
3-Registration Number DPTRB/R/2022/80235 Name Yogi M P Singh Date of Filing 02/09/2022
4-Registration Number DMOMR/R/2022/80033 Name Yogi M P Singh Date of Filing 02/09/2022
5-Registration Number DMOMR/R/2022/80034 Name Yogi M P Singh Date of Filing 02/09/2022

Please take a glance at the communication dated 18 July 2022 of public information officer in the office of chief secretary government of Uttar Pradesh addressed to public information officer in the office of department of revenue, Uttar Pradesh as first page of attached document.  It categorically states that an Email dated 08 July 2022 of president secretariat received in the office of chief secretary forwarded to the office of principal secretary, department of revenue, government of Uttar Pradesh on the same date. 
This implies that public authority in the matter is the office of principal secretary, department of revenue, government of Uttar Pradesh. 
Concerned PIO Arun Kumar Giri Designation Tehsildar Phone No 9454416823 Email Id rejected the four-point information by taking recourse of Rule 4(2)(a) of Uttar Pradesh Right to Information rule 2015 which states as- The information sought should be a part of the record held by or under the control of the public authority concerned.
Here subsequent PIOs committed the blunder by not forwarding the matter to the public authority office of principal secretary, department of revenue, government of Uttar Pradesh. PIO, REVDP/R/2022/80163 may provide information to information seeker or concerned email may be forwarded to PIO Arun Kumar Giri Designation Tehsildar Mirzapur. 

बर्बाद ऐ गुलशन कि खातिर बस एक ही उल्लू काफी था/

 हर शाख पर उल्लू बैठा है अंजाम ऐ गुलशन क्या होगा।’

बर्बाद गुलिस्ताँ करने को बस एक ही उल्लू काफ़ी था

हर शाख़ पे उल्लू बैठा है अंजाम-ए-गुलिस्ताँ क्या होगा

This is a humble request of your applicant to you Hon’ble Sir that how can it be justified to withhold public services arbitrarily and promote anarchy, lawlessness and chaos arbitrarily by making the mockery of law of land? There is need of the hour to take harsh steps against the wrongdoer to win the confidence of citizenry and strengthen the democratic values for healthy and prosperous democracy. For this, your applicant shall ever pray for you, Hon’ble Sir.

Date-08/10/2022                                                  Yours sincerely

                                                    Yogi M. P. Singh, Mobile number-7379105911,

Mohalla- Surekapuram, Jabalpur Road, District-Mirzapur, Uttar

 Pradesh, PIN code-231001



An anti-corruption crusader. Motive to build a strong society based on the principle of universal brotherhood. Human rights defender and RTI activist.

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