Vimal Kumar Rastogi aggrieved with arbitrary and inconsistent report of C.O. Alok Mishra, District-Budaun again submitted grievance on PG Portal


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Grievance Status for registration number : PMOPG/E/2022/0314404

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Vimal Kumar Rastogi

Date of Receipt


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Prime Ministers Office

Grievance Description

C.O. City, Alok Mishra, District-Budaun may guarantee the security of old people from antisocial elements who are running scot-free because of the cryptic dealings of the police. 

Grievance Status for registration number : PMOPG/E/2022/0278926 Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Vimal Kumar Rastogi Date of Receipt 18/10/2022

It is quite obvious from page four and five of the attached documents, C.O. City, Alok Mishra, District-Budaun did not pay heed to the submissions of the grievance, and he preferred to copy the arbitrary reports of the Sub inspector Akash Kumar quite obvious from page two of the attached PDF document. Sir, C.O. Alok Mishra, District-Budaun quoted in its report that he asked the applicant to appear before him for interrogation, but the applicant did not appear before him as residing outside to district Budaun and age problem did not allow him. But the applicant requested C.O. City, Alok Mishra, District-Budaun to act on my representation as considering it my statement. C.O. City Alok Mishra, District-Budaun submitted a concocted story and did not touch a single point of the submitted grievance quite obvious from his arbitrary report. Sub inspector Akash Kumar said in its report that he implicated both the parties under section 107/116 and C.O. Alok Mishra, District-Budaun says in its report that the applicant was fabricated by the concerned police under section 107/116 even when he was not present when the incident occurred. 

Here it is evident that police has misused the section 107/116 of the criminal penal code by overlooking the circular issued by the government of Uttar Pradesh to comply with the guidelines passed by the High court of judicature at Allahabad attached page one of the attached PDF document to this grievance. Here applicant is aggrieved with the cryptic style of working of the police which is itself breaking the rule of law through its arbitrary actions ipso facto. Whether to overlook the criminal offence of the offenders in the name of adjudication is pending in the civil matter concerned is justified and canon law allows it. Undoubtedly C.O. City, Alok Mishra, District-Budaun made a mockery of the law of land in dealing with the application of a senior citizen. श्रीमान जी प्रकरण का संबंध पुलिस द्वारा अभियुक्तों के खिलाफ कार्यवाही न किए जाने से संबंधित है किंतु प्रकरण को जमीनी विवाद से जोड़कर पुलिस द्वारा मामले से पल्ला झाड़ लिया गया श्रीमान जी पुलिस का कहना है कि प्रार्थी पर किए गए हमले का कोई प्रमाण नहीं है और वह एक शब्द में लिख दिया प्रमाण नहीं किंतु ऐसा नहीं है यदि प्रार्थी पर हमला ना हुआ होता तो प्रार्थी क्यों प्रयास करता क्षेत्राधिकारी महोदय कहते हैं कि प्रार्थी वरिष्ठ नागरिक है तो क्या सरकार वरिष्ठ नागरिकों की सुरक्षा के मामले में कोई कार्यवाही नहीं करना चाहती प्रार्थी का मान मर्दन गालियों द्वारा दबंगों द्वारा क्यों किया गया पुलिस द्वारा उचित कार्यवाही क्यों नहीं की गई क्या मामले का निदान धारा 151 107 और 116 क्या प्रार्थी को न्याय प्रदान करने में सक्षम हैं श्रीमान जी यहां तो अपराध कारित हो चुका है मुलजिमों के खिलाफ कार्यवाही होनी चाहिए किंतु पुलिस कार्यवाही करने से भाग रही है जो कि किसी भी तरह से उचित नहीं है कृपया मुलजिमों को उचित दंड दिया जाना चाहिए जिससे कि वे भविष्य में दुस्साहस करने का साहस न जुटा सके हमें कार्यवाही की आवश्यकता 

Sir, everyone knows that police are blatantly misusing the section 107/116 of Cr.P.C. even when the government has issued the circulars after adequate guidelines provided by the High of Judicature at Allahabad. Instead of taking action in the matter through logistic approach C.O. Budaun supports the quotes of the subordinate without thinking about pros and cons.

1-Whoever seeks redressal of their grievances by submitting online applications on the Jansunwai portal of the government of Uttar Pradesh, concerned sub-inspector fabricate them under Section 107/116. of the Cr. P.C in most of the cases.

Please provide the measures taken by the D.G.P. office to curb the misuse Section 107/116. of the Cr. P.C. including a copy of the circulars

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