Registration Number CBIMH/A/E/23/00024
Name Yogi M P Singh
Received Date 19/02/2023
Public Authority Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)
Date of action 27/02/2023
PIO replied as-
With reference to your RTI application, it is intimated that no such complaint, as referred in the attached document, has been received in this office. However, a complaint attached with this application is being verified and requisite action will be taken after due verification.
It is a well-known fact that CBI did not take any action in this regard, obvious from the attached document to the appeal. Whether it is not an offence in this largest democracy in the world that two forged business accounts were opened in my name and my PAN Card updated in them and business was carried out.
PIO, Public Authority Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Chandigarh zone may provide the following information to the information seeker.
1-Name and designation of the staff verified the complaint of the information seeker concerning corruption in the working of the S.B.I. and income tax.
2-PIO may provide the current status of the complaint if not reached at the final stage.
3-PIO may provide the action taken report and noting regarding complaint.
4-PIO may provide the posting details of the staff of class one rank staff of C.B.I. in the Chandigarh zone.
5-Provide the total number of cases which means registered or dealt by C.B.I. Chandigarh in the current financial year and last financial year.
Your RTI Request filed successfully.
Please note down the following details for further references.
Registration Number CBIMH/R/E/23/00091
Name Yogi M P Singh
Date of Filing 27-02-2023
RTI Fee Received 10
Payment Mode Internet Banking, Credit or Debit Card / RuPay Card, UPI
SBI Reference number IK0CCXKPD1
Transaction Status Completed Successfully
Request filed with Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)
Contact Details
Telephone Number 9968081119
Email Id
Online RTI Request Form Details
RTI Request Details :-
RTI Request Registration number CBIMH/R/E/23/00091
Public Authority Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)
Personal Details of RTI Applicant:-
Name Yogi M P Singh
Gender Male
Address Surekapuram colony , Shri Laxmi Narayan Baikunth Mahadev Mandir, Mirzapur city
Country India
State Uttar Pradesh
Status Urban
Educational Status Literate
Above Graduate
Phone Number +91-7379105911
Mobile Number +91-7379105911
Email-ID yogimpsingh[at]gmail[dot]com
Request Details :-
Citizenship Indian
Is the Requester Below Poverty Line ? No
(Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters)
Description of Information Sought
RTI Application with documents is attached in PDF form.
Concerned CPIO Nodal Officer
Supporting document (only pdf upto 1 MB)