Municipality Mirzapur is not serious to dirty water spreading on roads


Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2023/0010408

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Uttar Pradesh

Grievance Description

Sir, a letter signed by 86 people is attached with this complaint, whose complaint is that all the drains of Surekapuram are broken and water is flowing from the top of the drains, that too dirty water has made it difficult for the people to move, but The responsible officials of the municipality are not taking cognizance and the executive officers like Nagar Palika Parishad Mirzapur have taken a vow of silence, they do not care about the problems of the people. There is no accountability for them sir ji the whole road is full of dirty water is this good governance sir ji our great prime minister sri narendra damodar modi started the cleaning campaign but does the cleaning campaign happen in the same way that on the roads dirty Water is spreading and the responsible public servants of Municipal Council Mirzapur are sitting with their ears closed.

शिकायत संख्या:-40019923001789

आवेदक का नाम-Yogi M P Singh विषय-Sir, the report made by Nagar Palika Parishad Mirzapur does not completely match with the points of complaint. It has been mentioned in the complaint that the drainage has been completely destroyed and it should be rebuilt so that people and vehicles can move. And the second part of the complaint, get the other park in Surekapuram beautified which the government is ignoring. Sir, there is no need of any caretaker here, the park should at least be visible in the form of a park. Sir, there is another park downstream in Surekapuram, but due to the neglect of the administration, this park is turning into a pit. The efforts made by the administration in the beautification of this park will give a new dimension to Surekapuram. Sir, there is not one park but two parks in Surekapuram locality and one park looks like a pit instead of a park due to neglect.

Sir, there is such a lack of basic facilities in Surekapuram that there is a lot of resentment among the women here. Sir, the application signed by the women is attached with this complaint, which you should observe. Sir, those people also do not like that you are not showing the slightest interest in the Surekapuram park which is on the lower side. Similarly, when you people keep neglecting the other park, the result of the anger prevailing among the people here is not good. Those people say that on one hand you decorate the same park every year by passing funds and on the other hand this park has been neglected by the administration for many years. While the government gives money to the municipality every year for the beautification of such places. The women of Surekapuram locality demand that their husbands have served in government offices for a long time, so they cannot speak against the government, but this is not a restriction for women, so the government should give priority to their demands. The hellish life offered by the Mirzapur Municipality has now become unbearable for them. They say that Modi ji talks about cleanliness, and we have a broken drain in front of our house, due to which even a broom cannot be used, how long can people bear this suffering, now this suffering has become unbearable, the government should get this broken drain repaired soon.

श्रीमान जी 86 लोगों का हस्ताक्षर किया हुआ पत्र इस शिकायत के साथ संलग्न है जिनकी शिकायत है कि सुरेखा पुरम की सभी नालियां टूटी हुई है और नालियों के ऊपर से पानी बह रहा है वह भी गंदा पानी लोगों का आना-जाना दूभर हो गया है किंतु नगर पालिका के जिम्मेदार अधिकारी संज्ञान नहीं ले रहे हैं और अधिशासी अधिकारी नगर पालिका परिषद मिर्जापुर जैसे मौन व्रत धारण कर लिया है उन्हें लोगों की समस्याओं से कोई मतलब नहीं है ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि सरकार भारी-भरकम रकम जो तनख्वाह के रूप में देती है उसके प्रति उनकी थोड़ी भी जवाबदेही नहीं है श्रीमान जी पूरी सड़क गंदे पानी से भरा रहता है क्या यही सुशासन है श्रीमान जी हमारे महान प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र दामोदर मोदी द्वारा सफाई अभियान शुरू किया गया था किंतु क्या सफाई अभियान इसी तरह से होता है की सड़कों पर गंदा पानी फैला रहे और नगर पालिका परिषद मिर्जापुर के जिम्मेदार लोक सेवक कान को बंद करके बैठे

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