Central Registrar says your claim has also been forwarded to the concerned Society with a direction to verify and make due payment



Saharayn Universal Multipurpose Society Ltd, Bhopal has no money to repay investors money but has money to pay print and electronic media

Grievance Status for registration number : MOCOP/E/2023/0001695

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department


Grievance Description

Cooperation >> Central Registrar and Cooperative Society >> Multi State Cooperative Society related matters >> Other Multi State Cooperative Society related issues

Society Name : Saharayn Universal Multipurpose Society Ltd, Bhopal

Reference number from MSCS Act : Multi State Cooperative Societies ACT, 2002


An application On behalf of Om Prakash Maurya S/O Bhai Lal Maurya addressed as Main road Chaksaif, Kapoor Karpet Gali, District-Sant Ravidas Nagar Bhadohi, PIN Code. 221401, Mobile number-8756871222.

Om Prakash Maurya S/O Bhai Lal Maurya visited the branch at Sant Ravidas Nagar Bhadohi but the branch manager was not present in the office somehow he managed the mobile number of the branch manager and made a call to the branch manager. Branch manager told him that his nodal officer sits in Lucknow and no intimation was sent by him regarding the payment of his dues. If any such communication is received I will make a call on the registered Mobile number-8756871222 in the office.

Sir, you may send the matter to the nodal officer at Lucknow of the Saharayn Universal Multipurpose Society Ltd, Bhopal.


1-Please provide the number of members whose amounts were due and now paid by SAHARAYN UNIVERSAL MULTIPURPOSE SOCIETY LIMITED in the compliance of the order of the High court of Delhi and total amount paid by company to investors until now.

2-From the attached following report, it is quite obvious that it is unsigned paper submitted by the office of Central Registrar and Cooperative Society.

Please provide the name and designation of the staff who submitted this report on the public grievance portal of the government of India.

3-This Appeal Number-MOCOP/E/A/23/0000576

Name-Yogi M. P. Singh, Appeal Received Date-06/02/2023 submitted by the information seeker and disposed by the staff of the public authority Central Registrar and Cooperative Society.

Please provide the name and designation of the staff who submitted the report on the public grievance portal of the government of India to dispose of the appeal. Also provide the copy of this report because it is not opening.

4-Please provide the name and designation of the staff of the public authority Central Registrar and Cooperative Society who are designated for executing the order of the High court of Delhi.

Grievance Document

Current Status

Case closed   

Date of Action



Reply attached below.

Reply Document




Rating Remarks

महोदय बहुत आश्चर्य है कि आप द्वारा एक बिना हस्ताक्षर के टाइप्ड कॉपी रिपोर्ट के रूप में लगाई गई है श्रीमान जी संगणक जनरेटेड यह बिना हस्ताक्षर वाली कॉपी आप द्वारा हर शिकायत में लगाया जाता है जिससे यह सिद्ध है कि यह रिपोर्ट ना तो पारदर्शिता के स्तर को पूरा करता है और ना ही इसमें कोई जवाबदेही है सिर्फ यह भ्रष्टाचार को पोषित करता है महोदय भ्रष्टाचार दो ढंग से सिद्धकी होते हैं एक तो सीधा प्रमाण दूसरा परिस्थित जन्य प्रमाण दूसरा प्रमाण इस परिस्थिति में पूर्ण रूप से संगत है इसलिए महोदय से विनम्र अनुरोध है कि मामले का निस्तारण पारदर्शिता और पारदर्शी तरीके से तथा जवाबदेही निश्चित करते हुए किया जाए महोदय भ्रष्टाचार से कभी भी राष्ट्र का हित नहीं हो सकता है इससे सिर्फ अभिजात्य वर्ग को लाभ हो सकता है किंतु यह व्यवस्था और इस तरह से कार्य का संपादन किसी भी तरह से समाज के हित में नहीं है देश हित में नहीं है वे लोग इस देश के सबसे बड़े दुश्मन हैं जो भ्रष्टाचार को पोषित करते हैं भ्रष्टाचार बिना ऊपरी सह के कभी भी पुष्पित और पल्लवित नहीं हो सकता है इसको हमेशा ऊपर से संचालित किया जाता है

Appeal Details

Appeal Number


Date of Receipt


Appeal Text

Submit details of assets and liabilities of societies including assessment with a credible plan for realization of funds from these assets so that the amount due to depositors can be paid in time, d) Prepare a credible working plan for the Societies, on the basis of complete financial assessment of the society e) 

If societies fail to comply with the directions, proceedings for winding up will be initiated 

2 Since, no convincing reply was forthcoming, CRCS debarred the Societies from taking new deposits or renewing the existing deposits 

3. The said orders of CRCS were challenged by the Sahara Credit Cooperative Society Ltd. Saharayn Universal Multipurpose Society Ltd, and Humara India Credit Cooperative Society Ltd before the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi and by Stars Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd before the Hon'ble High Court of Telangana. The Hon'ble Courts granted an interim stay on the operation of orders of CRCS 

4. The matter was pursued and the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi vide its order dated 22.03.2022 partially vacated the stay and restored orders of CRCS thereby directing the petitioners-societies not to collect any further deposits. The Hon'ble Court further gave following directions: a Societies to nominate nodal officers to communicate with CRCS office, 

b. CRCS to look into the claims received by him or filed before the Hon ble Court by way of intervention applications 

c. CRCS to pass orders directing the petitioners to refund the amounts to such members/investors/depositors whose amounts are found to have become due and payable. after examination d. Societies to pay within two weeks of such determination 

5. Accordingly, claims are being forwarded to the Societies with a direction to pay due amount to legitimate depositors. Status Report in the matter has also been filed in the Hon'ble Court 6. Your claim has also been forwarded to the concerned Society with a direction to verify and make due payment.

Current Status

Appeal Received

Officer Concerns To

Officer Name

Shri Shekhar Bose (Under Secretary)

Organisation name

Ministry of Cooperation

Contact Address

Delhi Delhi Delhi

Email Address


Contact Number


Grievance Status for registration number : MOCOP/E/2023/0001708

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department


Grievance Description

Cooperation >> Central Registrar and Cooperative Society >> Multi State Cooperative Society related matters >> Other Multi State Cooperative Society related issues

Society Name : Saharayn Universal Multipurpose Society Ltd, Bhopal

Reference number from MSCS Act : Multi State Cooperative Societies ACT, 2002


Think about the gravity of situation that Saharayn Saharayn Universal Multipurpose Society Ltd, Bhopal is not repaying the invested money of Om Prakash Maurya S/O Bhai Lal Maurya addressed as Main road Chaksaif, Kapoor Karpet Gali, District-Sant Ravidas Nagar Bhadohi, PIN Code. 221401, Mobile number-8756871222 by overlooking the order passed by the High court of judicature at Delhi.  Think about the quantum of corruption in the government machinery and its unresponsiveness to the problems of common citizens. Where is the justice in this banana republic where rules of law have been put into heap of garbage. New business of Sahara - 'Winds, full page advertisements to newspapers, investors money

being robbed!

Posted on March 11, 2023 by bhadas4media.com

Instead of returning the money of its investors, Sahara Group is busy in the distributing crores of crores of rupees as reward. This feat is being done in the name of a new business called Winds. Newspapers have been silenced by giving full page advertisements of this new business so that they do not pen on the issue of investors. See the details of Winds new businessसहारा का नया धंधा- 'विंड्स', अखबारों को फुल पेज विज्ञापन, निवेशकों का पैसा

लुटाया जा रहा है

bhadas4media.com द्वारा 11 मार्च, 2023 को पोस्ट किया गया

सहारा समूह अपने निवेशकों का पैसा वापस करने की बजाय करोड़ों करोड़ रुपये इनाम बांटने में जुटा हुआ है. ये कारनामा विंड्स नामक एक नए धंधे के नाम पर किया जा रहा है. इस नए धंधे का फुल पेज विज्ञापन अखबारों को देकर उनका मुंह बंद कर दिया गया है ताकि वे निवेशकों के मुद्दे पर कलम न चलाएं. देखें विंड्स के नए धंधे का डिटेल

Om Prakash Maurya S/O Bhai Lal Maurya visited the branch at Sant Ravidas Nagar Bhadohi but the branch manager was not present in the office somehow he managed the mobile number of the branch manager and made a call to the branch manager. Branch manager told him that his nodal officer sits in Lucknow and no intimation was sent by him regarding the payment of his dues. If any such communication is receive

Grievance Document

Current Status

Case closed   

Date of Action



Reply attached below.

Reply Document




Rating Remarks

It is informed that a large number of complaints regarding non-repayment of deposits to the members/ depositors of Sahara Credit Cooperative Society Ltd. Saharayn Universal Multipurpose Society Ltd, Humara India Credit Cooperative Society Ltd and Stars Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd. were received in the office of the Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies (CRCS) Taking cognizance of the complaints, notices were issued to the above-named Societies and thereafter, six personal hearing of each of the above Societies were held before the CRCS During the hearing. CRCS gave following directions to the societies a) Pay due amount to the depositors. b) create a mechanism of informing to the depositors, whose deposits have become overdue and ensure that a member/depositor can take payment within 30 days

Appeal Details

Appeal Number


Date of Receipt


Appeal Text

Submit details of assets and liabilities of societies including assessment with a credible plan for realization of funds from these assets so that the amount due to depositors can be paid in time, d) Prepare a credible working plan for the Societies, on the basis of complete financial assessment of the society e) If societies fail to comply with the directions, proceedings for winding up will be initiated 2 Since, no convincing reply was forthcoming, CRCS debarred the Societies from taking new deposits or renewing the existing deposits 3. The said orders of CRCS were challenged by the Sahara Credit Cooperative Society Ltd. Saharayn Universal Multipurpose Society Ltd, and Humara India Credit Cooperative Society Ltd before the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi and by Stars Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd before the Hon'ble High Court of Telengana. The Hon'ble Courts granted an interim stay on the operation of orders of CRCS 4. The matter was pursued and the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi vide its order dated 22.03.2022 partially vacated the stay and restored orders of CRCS thereby directing the petitioners-societies not to collect any further deposits. The Hon'ble Court further gave following directions: a Societies to nominate nodal officers to communicate with CRCS office, b. CRCS to look into the claims received by him or filed before the Hon ble Court by way of intervention applications c. CRCS to pass orders directing the petitioners to refund the amounts to such members/investors/depositors whose amounts are found to have become due and payable. after examination d. Societies to pay within two weeks of such determination 5. Accordingly, claims are being forwarded to the Societies with a direction to pay due amount to legitimate depositors. Status Report in the matter has also been filed in the Hon'ble Court 6. Your claim has also been forwarded to the concerned Society with a direction to verify and make due payment.

Current Status

Appeal Received

Officer Concerns To

Officer Name

Shri Shekhar Bose (Under Secretary)

Organisation name

Ministry of Cooperation

Contact Address

Delhi Delhi Delhi

Email Address


Contact Number



An anti-corruption crusader. Motive to build a strong society based on the principle of universal brotherhood. Human rights defender and RTI activist.

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