Transactions of Rs 16,12,06,667 concerning my PAN is showing failure and corruption of income tax


View Grievance

Grievance Acknowledgement Number




Date of Resolution


Grievance Description

Under Article 51A of the constitution of India the applicant is making enquiry in regard to the following messages sent on the mobile of the applicant and email of the applicant. Whether you have ordered any enquiry in the following matter as the matter concerns with the huge loss to the public exchequer through the tax evasion. Two anonymous accounts were opened in my name by colluding with staff of the State Bank of India. Please punish the staff of the department of income tax who served the email notice to the applicant without proper verification of the records. Now it has been proved that there is rampant corruption in the working of the department of income tax and it is obligated duty of accountable staff to control it. Why are you receiving this communication? The Income Tax Department has received information on financial transactions/activities relating to XXXXX0850X for Financial Year 2020-21. However, as per records available, you do not appear to have filed Income Tax Return for Assessment Year 2021-22 (relating to FY 2020-21). Some significant information available with the Income Tax Department includes the following: Purchase of securities and units of mutual funds - Rs 300 Rent received - Rs 1,19,34,974 Sale of securities and units of mutual fund - Rs 300 Sir, aforementioned Rent received - Rs 1,19,34,974, ,Sale of securities and units of mutual fund - Rs 300 and Purchase of securities and units of mutual funds - Rs 300 are in the cognizance of the department of income tax of the government of India which must be taken into the possession by the prime minister office. Grievance Status for registration number : CBODT/E/2023/0007179 Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Yogi M. P. Singh Date of Receipt 05/02/2023 This grievance is being submitted as supplementary of the aforementioned registered grievance on the public grievance portal of the government. Remarks This is not a grievance but a Tax Evasion Petition (TEP). The TEP alongwith its enclosures is being sent to the jurisdictional Director General of Income Tax (Inv), Chandigarh for necessary action thereon. Hence the grievance is being closed on CPGRAM portal. Undoubtedly the matter concerns with the jurisdiction of the Director General of Income Tax (Inv), Chandigarh consequently you have forwarded the matter to the same mandate but it could not ensure the action against the wrongdoers because the corruption is prevailed in the working of the public authority. You are making efforts to keep me silent quite obvious from your forwarding action even that action does not ensure the action against the criminal elements who tortured me for more than 3 years. I want action in the matter instead of procrastination as being done by the government functionaries. What is the guarantee that director general investigation Chandigarh will not file the matter as usually done in the public offices in this largest democracy in the world? When after investigation it has been

Grievance Resolution


Grievance Details

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Assessment Year


Financial Year


Grievance Department


Grievance Category

Compliance Portal Related Queries

Grievance Sub-Category


Addressed To


Resolution Sought From


PAN /TAN Application No.


Gmail Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <>

e-Campaign - Significant Transactions for FY 2022-23 - XXXXX0850X

1 message

Income Tax Compliance <> 14 March 2023 at 23:12



e-Campaign - Significant Transactions for FY 2022-23 - XXXXX0850X



DIN: INSIGHT/CMP/01/2022-23/10230022276330001

Date: 13-03-2023

Assessment Year: 2023-24

Financial Year: 2022-23



Why are you receiving this communication?

Dear Taxpayer, The Income Tax Department has received information on financial transactions/activities relating to MAHESH PRATAP SINGH PAN XXXXX0850X for Financial Year 2022-23 (AY 2023-24).

The details of the transactions may be viewed as under:

Business receipts - Rs 1,49,04,041

GST purchases - Rs 5,99,33,331

GST turnover - Rs 8,63,69,295

Total-Rs 1,49,04,041+Rs 5,99,33,331+Rs 8,63,69,295=Rs 16,12,06,667

What steps should you take?

LOGIN Compliance portal

VIEW Information Details


Advance Tax

Login to the e-filing Portal ( , go to "Pending Actions" tab, click on "Compliance Portal" and select "e-Campaign (AY 2021-22 onwards)". This will redirect the user to e-Campaign on Compliance Portal. Under e-Campaign list, view campaign type 'Significant Transactions'.

On 'e-Campaign' tab, you will be able to view the e-Campaign generated. You are required to view the information and submit the feedback by following the path: Click on row with campaign type 'Significant Transactions' under e-Campaign list and click on 'Provide Feedback in AIS' button on expanded view.

For a taxpayer it is important to correctly calculate the Advance tax and make payment of it before the expiry of due date. Payment of Advance tax helps in saving the cost of interest payment later. You are requested to compute the advance tax liability correctly if any and e-Pay by visiting (

How to submit response on displayed information?

You may compute your Advance Tax liability after perusal of the information displayed in the AIS Portal. However, if you want to submit any response for information selected under e-Campaign on Compliance Portal, you can provide the feedback by clicking on "Provide feedback on AIS" button. Once you click this, you will be redirected to AIS view. Under AIS, you will be able to view the "Expected" button against the information on which feedback is required. Upon clicking the 'Expected' button, you'll be able to provide the required feedback on selected information. Following response can be submitted for displayed information on Compliance Portal:

Option A: Information is correct

This option should be selected if the information belongs to the Taxpayer and all the attributes of the Information are correct.

Option B: Information is not fully correct

This option should be selected if the information belongs to the Taxpayer but all the attributes of the Information are not correct. Upon selecting this option, relevant information fields will be displayed to the taxpayer and taxpayer will be able to update correct information details. e.g.- Account number, Information value, etc.

Option C: Information relates to other PAN/year

This option should be selected if the Taxpayer is aware of the Information, but it belongs to other person or year e.g. such instances may arise due to joint ownership of property or joint holding of accounts or other assets. The taxpayer will be able to provide correct and complete information of other person(s) to whom the Information pertains (i.e., PAN, relationship, FY etc).

Option D: Information is duplicate/included in other information

This option should be selected if the information displayed is already included in any other information or it may be a duplicate information. Taxpayer needs to select the duplicate Information and click on submit button.

Option E: Information is denied

This option should be selected if the Taxpayer completely denies the information displayed.

You can also refer to user guides and FAQs provided in the 'Resources' section on Compliance Portal for detailed information and steps on how to view e-campaign list and provide response.

What happens if you do not pay taxes?

Payment of Advance tax helps in saving the cost of interest payment later. Further, please ignore this email if you have already paid appropriate amount of advance tax.

How to get assistance?

Relevant User Guides and FAQs are provided under the "Resources" section of Compliance Portal.

You can also call at the Toll-free number

1800 103 4215

between 9.30 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. (Monday to Friday) Or

You can also seek assistance by using Contact Us or 'Raise/View Ticket Status' options in the Help section of Compliance Portal.

Please ignore this e-mail if the response has already been provided.


Insight Support

Income Tax Department

Tips to remember

Please add to your whitelist or safe sender list to prevent emails from this sender from going to the spam folder.

4 attachments
707K          PAN Card.pdf


An anti-corruption crusader. Motive to build a strong society based on the principle of universal brotherhood. Human rights defender and RTI activist.

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