Appeal Details
Appeal Number
Yogi M. P. Singh
Appeal Recieved Date
Reason Of Appeal
The matter concerns deep rooted corruption and large-scale tax evasion so in the larger public interest a transparent and accountable enquiry may be ordered. If enquiry may be ordered into the matter several white-collar criminals will be exposed. A syndicate is working under the patronage of corrupt political masters and bureaucrats will be exposed.
Appeal Status
Appeal Closed (On 18/08/2023)
Closing Remarks
As reported by the Assessing Officer, The assessee has claimed that fraudulent transactions of Rs.16,12,06,667 concerning his PAN linked with his Aadhar has been made by some person. He claimed that he has not made those transactions. Such matter as claimed should be brought to the notice of concerned bank in which the person holds account and it is beyond the purview of this department. Hence disposed off.
Grievance Details
Registration Number
Yogi M. P. Singh
Date of receipt
Mohalla Surekapuram Colony Shri Laxmi Narayan Baikunth Mahadev Mandir Shri Laxmi Narayan Baikunth Mahadev Mandir
Uttar Pradesh
Mobile Number
Email ID
Phone Number
Not Provided
Grievance Description
Home Affairs >> Crime related (Records, prisons and cyber cell)
An inquiry to curb the blatant misuse of the PAN card by the fraudulent elements in India. Everyone knows that blatant misuse of the PAN card is resulting in the huge financial loss to the public exchequer in the Government of India because of the laxity of the financial institutions and the department of income tax of the Government of India.
In general it is advised that if you think that your pan card has been compromised then you immediately contact department of income tax in order to avoid the huge financial loss.
Fraudulent transactions of Rs.16,12,06,667 concerning my PAN linked with my Aadhar but corrupt staff of income tax streaming notices instead of checking blatant misuse of my PAN Card and my Aadhar linked with it. For the more details, vide attached documents to the grievance.
Undoubtedly the misuse of PAN is cheating which is a criminal offence and must be dealt by the police.
I raised the matter to the police of the Government of Uttar Pradesh but they told me their impotence by taking the recourse of the ministry of the finance according to them this matter must be dealt with the ministry of finance.
I made the complaint to the banking institutions and its regulatory body through the public grievance portal of the Government of India repeatedly also through the PMO portal but they did not take any action in the matter only try to mislead the applicant.
The central bureau of investigation kept itself aloof from the matter in the name by taking the pretext of the applicant had already made the complaint to the banking institutions and income tax of India.
I have submitted half century representations before the income tax of India alas they have no solution of it they are providing only one solution that you may say in writing before the department of income tax that these transactions does not belong to you.
My conclusion is that the Government of India has no solid and strong mechanism to curb the blatant misuse of the PAN of the innocent and gulli
Grievance Document
Final Reply
Based on below comments of AO and duly endorsed by range head, PCIT, CCIT and Pr. CCIT, the CPGRAM is being closed:
The assessee has claimed that fraudulent transactions of Rs.16,12,06,667 concerning his PAN linked with his Aadhar has been made by some person. He claimed that he has not made those transactions. Such matter as claimed should be brought to the notice of concerned bank in which the person holds account and it is beyond the purview of this department. Hence disposed off.
Communication Details
Sn. Date of Action Action From To
1 08/08/2023 RECEIVED THE GRIEVANCE You Ministry of Home Affairs
2 08/08/2023 REMINDER RECEIVED FROM COMPLAINANT You Ministry of Home Affairs
3 17/08/2023 CASE DISPOSED OF Central Board of Direct Taxes (Income Tax) You
To see the attached document to the grievance, click on the link
Corrupt staff of the income tax of India must know that the notice was served by the department of income tax so it must be brought up to the notice of department of income tax instead of department of banking institutions. It is quite obvious that they are running away from the matter of corruption which is the root cause of the problem and corruption is increasing multiply in the department of income tax.