Hakimun Nisha is seeking CD from anti-power theft police

Grievance Status for registration number: GOVUP/E/2024/0007185

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Mahesh Pratap Singh alias Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Uttar Pradesh

Grievance Description

The applicant is fully apprised with the working style of the anti-power theft police station Mirzapur and its staff which is the Root-Cause of theft of electricity which is taking place on the larger scale is not being controlled.

In order to defend the poor lady there is need of the video footage taken by the police personnel of the anti-power theft police station district Mirzapur. Whether the CD of videography comes under the ambit of the executive engineer electricity distribution division first or it comes under the ambit of the station house officer of the anti-power theft police station District Mirzapur. Whether concerned will provide the video footage under right to information act 2005 or any other procedure is available in the department to get the CD of Videography on the basis of which concerned police is claiming to proceed against the vulnerable lady.

Grievance Status for registration number: GOVUP/E/2024/0001204, Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant-Yogi M. P. Singh, Date of Receipt-05/01/2024, Received By Ministry/Department-Uttar Pradesh

Grievance Description-The matter concerns the working of the​ executive engineer electricity distribution division first Mr Deepak Singh district Mirzapur ​of ​Purvanchal, Vidyut, Vitaran Nigam Limited​.

An application under Article 51 A of the Constitution of India on behalf of Hakimun Nisha wife of Sami Ullah belonging to vulnerable section of minority community resident of Address​-Daranagar Naugawa, Post Nadani​, Marih​an Rajgarh, ​District-Mirzapur​, Uttar Pradesh.

Subject- Unfair proceedings and baseless allegations against the applicant who is a woman belonging to the minority community and vulnerable section is the violation of the human rights of the applicant . ​

The applicant is the genuine connection holder of the Department of electricity whose electricity bills are updated and fully paid timely. The conspired and planned charges made against the applicant by the junior engineer of the department by reaping the benefits of vulnerability of the applicant.

Printed Date: 27-12-2023​, payment receipt​ Reference No.HGABP0740C0533798779​, payment source​ BD002​, collection date​-09-12-2023

Account Number.​-7881133978​, customer name​-Hakimun Nisha​, ​Address​-Daranagar Naugawa Daranagar Naugawa Post Nadani​, Marih​an Rajgarh ​District-Mirzapur​, Uttar Pradesh​, For more details, vide attached document.

Short submissions of the applicant are as follows.

​1- It is quite obvious from the 3rd page of the attached pdf document to the grievance, which is the communication of executive engineer electricity distribution division first Mr Deepak Singh addressed to the applicant dated-01/05/2023. This notice did not reach the applicant then how can the applicant provide her explanation before the executive engineer distribution division first?

2- This notice was made available to the applicant when the applicant made the inquiry regarding the arbitrary huge bill made available to the applicant by the staff of the Department of electricity. If the staff of the Department of electricity have any receipt of serving the notice to the applicant then they should attach that receipt with the report to dispose of this grievance.

3- Most respected Sir charges fabricated against the applicant are baseless pass and concocted story submitted by the junior engineer of the department of electricity to conceal the large-scale theft of electricity through Katia.

4- Since the illegal connection holders are having the blessings of the staff of the Department of electricity, they are compensating the line losses by applying false charges and making allegations of theft against legitimate connection holders of electricity to compensate the line losses in a cryptic and mysterious way.

5- The charges made in the first information report are concocted stories which are not credible so it is a humble request of the applicant that the entire episode must be rechecked.

Grievance Document

Current Status

Grievance received   

Date of Action


Officer Concerns To

Forwarded to

Uttar Pradesh

Officer Name

Shri Bhaskar Pandey (Joint Secretary)

Organisation name

Uttar Pradesh

Contact Address

Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow

Email Address


Contact Number


To see the attached document to the grievance, please click on the link


An anti-corruption crusader. Motive to build a strong society based on the principle of universal brotherhood. Human rights defender and RTI activist.

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