Department of Post delivered the registered post on a wrong address reflects rule of anarchy in its working


Grievance Status for registration number: DPOST/E/2024/0003684

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department


Grievance Description

Posts >> Delay/ Non - Delivery/Abstraction of Postal Articles >> Domestic >> Registered letters/Registered letters with acknowledgement

Track/Trace No.: RU012511655IN

Post Office of Booking/PINCODE: 231001

An application on behalf of Sant Shri Kesav Ji Maharaj, Surekapuram Colony, Shri Lakshmi Narayan Baikunth Mahadev Mandir, Jabalpur Road district Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, PIN code 231001, Mobile number 9794089100 under article 51 A of the constitution of India to make inquiry regarding the non delivery of the registered article by the Department of post while it is showing on the online tracking on the website of Department of post as-article has been delivered but it seems that it has been delivered on a wrong address by the concerned postman.

Booked At- Mirzapur RMS POS Counter, Booked On-21/01/2024 19:56:07, Destination Pincode-841419, Tariff-25.96 Article- Registered, Type- Letter, Delivery Location- Ekma SO, Delivery Confirmed On-29/01/2024 16:23:57

Details of the addressee on the envelope is as follows- Roshan Srivastava, Bharat Gas Office, Rasulpur, Vill+P.O.+P.S.- Rasulpur, District-Saran, Bihar, PIN Code-841208, Mobile number-9852476609

Event Details For : RU012511655IN, Current Status : Item Delivered(Addressee)

Short submissions of the applicant are as follows.

1- The applicant has attached the receipt provided by the Department of post which is showing the address of the addressee and the address of the sender but the communication has not been delivered at the address of the addressee.

2- Thereafter the applicant has pasted the registered post tracking copied from the website of the Department of post which is showing that the item has been delivered to the addressee but it is most unfortunate it was not done so.

3- The last page of the attached PDF document to the grievance is the copy of the envelope on which complete address with mobile number of the addressee has been mentioned as well as complete address of the sender along with the mobile number has been explicitly written.

Please ensure the proper delivery of the item otherwise return it to sender if you cannot deliver the item at the proper address. Please fix the accountability of the concerned staff whose dereliction to the duty is quite explicit which cannot be overlooked.

Grievance Document

Current Status

Under process   

Date of Action


Officer Concerns To

Officer Name

Masoom Raza Rashdee (Assistant Director of Postal Services)

Organisation name

Postmaster General Allahabad

Contact Address

3rd Floor Prayagraj Head Post Office Building Civil Lines S N Marg Prayagraj

Email Address

Contact Number


To see that attached document to the grievance, please click on the link


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