Guwahati Railway platform of Assam is not safe

while he along with his wife were boarding on train no. 15909 Avadh Assam Express at PF No. 3 of Guwahati Railway Station. Hence the case was registered and entrusted to
ASI Debajit Kakati of Guwahati GRPS for investigation.
During investigation, the I/O examined the complainant as well as his wife and recorded their statements U/S 161 CrPC, visited the PO and draw a sketch map of the PO by showing
proper index, examined the footages of CCTV Cameras available at PF No. 3 of Guwahati
Railway Station an submitted a requisition for tracing out the stolen mobile phones. The I/O also
engaged available sources and made all possible efforts to find out the clue of the involved
culprits as well as for the recovery of the stolen properties but to no avail.
Hence, the case was returned in FR by SI Rafique Ali vide FR No. 14/24, as the case was
true U/S 379 IPC but no clue of the unknown culprit, with a prayer to the Hon'ble Court to allow
to reopen the case if any clue related to the stolen properties or the involved culprit is found in
Submitted for favour of your kind information and oblige.
Yours faithfully,
Inspector of Police:
Officer In-Charge
Guwahati, GRPS
Date 12/03/24

Grievance Status for registration number : GOVAS/E/2024/0002867
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Yogi M. P. Singh
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Grievance Description
An application under article 51 A of the constitution of India to make an inquiry regarding the bad performance of the investigation of the police posted at the government railway police station at the Guwahati platform Assam.
It is quite obvious that the government railway police closed the following grievance with an absurd remark that it has no clue about the culprits which means the concerned investigation officer is incompetent enough to trace the culprits which will only promote such unlawful activities on the Guwahati platform. The report is attached as the first page of the attached pdf document to the grievance.
Where is the transparency and accountability in the working of the government railway police if it cannot control growing criminal activities at the railway platform Guwahati and close the cases without thorough investigation?
Grievance Status for registration number : GOVAS/E/2024/0000016, Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant-Yogi M. P. Singh, Date of Receipt-05/01/2024, Received By Ministry/Department-Assam
Grievance Status for registration number : GOVAS/E/2024/0000003
Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant-Yogi M. P. Singh, Date of Receipt-01/01/2024
It is learnt that a Case vide Guwahati GRPS Case No. 273/2023 U/S 379 IPC was registered on the strength of complaint given by Avinash Pratap Singh Baghel of Panbazar, Guwahati. Finally, the case was disposed vide Guwahati GRPS FR No. 14/2023 dated 31/01/2024 after getting no clue of evidence.
How can a registered first information report be considered disposed of on the ground that no clue was found about the offenders as well as of stolen articles of the aggrieved applicant without studying the pros and cons of the case?
Whether it is not reflecting the lackadaisical approach of the concerned investigation officer into the matter of the theft by organized gang which is rising alarmingly on the railway stations. It seems that the concerned investigation officer was no more interested in searching culprits of the case and tracing the valuable articles stolen by the culprits. It is not only reflecting dereliction to duty but also reflecting incompetence of concerned investigation officers who neglected matters.
Whether it is expected by the personnel of the government railway police posted at the Guwahati Railway Platform that the aggrieved people looted by such offenders we will search the offenders and will hand over offenders to the concerned police.
Whether it is not implying that 3rd grade investigation is being carried out by the government railway police at Guwahati Railway platform causing steep hike in the offences at the railway platform because of the incompetent police personnel posted at the railway platform and third gate monitoring bodies. The signal given by the concerned police in the matter will cause an adverse impact on the society and such bad performance is not expected from the concerned police personnel.

This is a humble request of the applicant that the matter must be investigated by a competent police personnel who may put the culprits behind the bar.
Grievance Document
Current Status
Case closed   
Date of Action
On getting grievance complaint of Yogi M. P. Singh, the same has been forwarded to O/C Guwahati GRPS for necessary action and a Case vide Guwahati GRPS Case No. 273/2023 U/S 379 IPC was registered on the strength of complaint given by Avinash Pratap Singh Baghel of Panbazar, Guwahati.
Finally after investigation the case was disposed vide Guwahati GRPS FR No. 14/2024 dated 31/01/2024 after getting no clue of evidence . However, request has been made to CEIR Portal vide request ID No. ‘202403120506382069’ against Mobile No. 917099028456 (IMEI No 869056030578068) and request ID No ‘202403120515362069’ against Mobile No. 919425159275 (IMEI No. 860494046653527).

The case was supervised by DysRP HQ and legal action has been taken.
Reply Document
Rating Remarks
It is quite obvious that concerned officer of the Department of police belonging to the government of Assam submitted the same report dated 12th March 2024 as was submitted in the earlier grievance. It is too much surprising that when the aggrieved applicant will trace the culprit and hand over this culprit to the police thereafter police will workout the case otherwise such reports are submitted by the police in the matter of such cheating activities. A police officer gets the special training to investigate the such criminal activities but it is most unfortunate that the success rate of working out the case is so poor that it has increased the morale of the cheaters at the Guwahati platform of the state of Assam. What is the law order in the state of Assam one can easily guess it where fraudulent elements openly walk on the platform and targets the innocent and gullible people. It may be good governance for the Chief Minister of Assam, but an innocent person will call it jungle raj.
Appeal Details
Appeal Number
Date of Receipt
Appeal Text
Current Status
Officer Concerns To
Officer Name
Gour Chandra Mondal APS (Dy. SP)
Organisation name
Supdt. of Railway Police
Contact Address
Pandu Guwahati
Email Address
Contact Number


An anti-corruption crusader. Motive to build a strong society based on the principle of universal brotherhood. Human rights defender and RTI activist.

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