Welcome UPICR20240000149
Second Appeal under section 19(3) of the Right to Information Act, 2005
Appeal Registration Number - A-20240700674
Appellant's Particulars
Applied Date : 09/07/2024 06:51:01 AM
Name Yogi M P Singh
Gender Male
Town/Village मिर्जापुर
Pin code 231001
Mobile Number 7379105911
Email yogimpsingh@gmail.com
Address सुरेकापुरम कॉलोनी जबलपुर रोड मिर्जापुर सिटी
Department NAGAR VIKAS DEPARTMENT (Governance)
Details of Request for obtaining information under section 6(1) of RTI Act, 2005
Date of RTI application under section 6(1) 20-01-2024
Is the Applicant below piverty line? No
Section 6(1) Application No. DOUDV/R/2024/60027
Section 6(1) Transaction ID DOUDVR20240000000027
Action Taken by Public Information Officer(PIO)
Answer of P.I.O. Not providing Information in Stipulated Time
Date of PIO Reply ---
Public Information Officer Details
Address Public Information Officer Office - NAGAR VIKAS VIBHAG ANUBHAG 6
Pincode 226001
Mobile Number 9454419927
Email nagarvikassection6@gmail.com
Details of First Appeal
Date of First Appeal application under Section 19(1) 07-04-2024
FAA Sajeevan
Address First Appellate Authority Office - NAGAR VIKAS VIBHAG ANUBHAG 6
Pincode 226001
Mobile Number 9454413781
Email nagarvikassection6@gmail.com
FAA Address Details
Answer of First Appellate Authority (FAA) There is no answer
Date of Order ---
Relief sought under Section 19(3)- Second Appeal of the Right to Information Act, 2005 Public information officer did not entertain the RTI application within prescribed time as stipulated under subsection 1 of section 7 of the right to information act 2005 then appeal was made but conc
Other Supporting Documents
Document-1 Details Supporting document
Document-2 Details Appeal status
Hearing Option
Hearing Type Offline
Online Hearing Mobile ---
Online Hearing Email ---
I hereby state that the information and particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also declare that this matter is not previously filed with this commission nor is pending with any Court or tribunal or authority.
Documents Enclosure
Scanned copy of the signed second appeal u/s 19(3) of the Right to Information Act,2005
Copy of RTI Application under section 6(1)
Copy of First Appeal under section 19(1)
Chief Information Commissioner/
Companion Information Commissioners
7/7A, RTI Bhawan, Vibhuti
Khand, Gomti Nagar Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, PIN Code-226010
Details of the
appellant-Mohalla Surekapuram colony, Jabalpur Road, Sangmohal post office,
Districts Mirzapur, Pin code 231001,State Uttar Pradesh, Mobile number
Details of the
1-PIO of Public
Authority approached- Ambrish Kumar
Srivastava NV-6
Designation- Section
Phone No- 9454419927,
Email Id- sonagarvikas6@gmail.com
Lucknow, Uttar
Pradesh, PIN Code-226001
2-Concerned Appellate
Authority Sajeevan NV-6
Phone No- 9454413781,
Email Id- nagarvikassection6@gmail.com
Lucknow, Uttar
Pradesh, PIN Code-226001
Prayer- Public
information officer did not entertain the RTI application within prescribed
time as stipulated under subsection 1 of section 7 of the right to information
act 2005 then appeal was made, but concerned first appellate authority did not
entertain the appeal and it is noticeable that no information has been made
available by the concerned public information officer still and no action has
been taken by the first appellate authority in the matter.
Short submissions of
the appellant are as follows.
1-From the following status of the RTI application
submitted before the department of Urban Development, it is quite obvious that
RTI application was submitted on 20th January 2024, but it is most unfortunate
after more than 5 months, no action has been taken by the concerned public
information officer which is a mockery of the law of land and violation of the
subsection 1 of section 7 of the right information act 2005. If the nodal
officer is the public information officer of the Department of Urban Development,
then there was no need to forward the matter to the public information officer,
but if the nodal officer is different entity then nodal officer had to forward
the matter to the public information officer under the setup norms as required
under the law.
Registration Number DOUDV/R/2024/60027
Name Yogi M P
Date of Filing 20/01/2024
FORWARDED TO PIO as on 26/04/2024
Details of PIO :- Telephone Number:- 9454419927, Email
Id:- sonagarvikas6@gmail.com
2-The Right to Information Act was introduced by the
government of India during the regime of Congress to promote transparency and
accountability in the working of the public authorities but it seems that in
the current regime provisions of right to information act 2005 has been put
into heap of garbage.
3-Yogi Govt provided 62,606 square feet of land of
municipality Mirzapur City to Lions Club @Rs.50 per annum due to corruption. It
is obvious that the matter concerns the deep-rooted corruption in the working
of the Department of Urban Development which provided the land of municipality
Mirzapur city to Lions Club who are running a commercial institution at throw
away prices.
4-Honourable Sir, since the date lease of land was
done forty years passed in 2010 but neither a garden for children was developed
nor opened for common children as stated by the municipality Mirzapur city in
the communication attached to the document in this appeal. Factual position is
that Lions club is carrying out commercial activities in the land not allowed
to leaseholder, by taking concerned officers in good faith.
5-Despite such irregularities which was reported to department of Urban Development, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Government of Uttar Pradesh extended the lease for next 30 years which will end in 2040 overlooking the fact that Municipality Mirzapur city is an autonomous body and encroached independent powers of municipality Mirzapur city.
This is a humble request of the appellant to the Honourable
member of the state information Commission of Uttar Pradesh to direct the
public information officer to provide information to the information seeker at
the earliest as well as act against the public information officer for
violating the provisions of the right to information act 2005 wilfully.
Sought information-1-Provide the copy of the
communication extended the lease attached to application by the government for
thirty years.
Sought information-2-Provide the details of
public staff, communications exchanged which superseded the proposal of
municipality Mirzapur city to cancel the lease as its terms and conditions were
broken by the leaseholder.
Sought information-3-Provide the reason as
required under subsection 1 d of section 4 of the right to information act
2005. of rejecting the legal and justified proposal of the board of
municipality Mirzapur city concerned with the wide public interest.
Sought information -4-Provide reason for
charging Rs.50 annual fee for the municipality land which cost millions of
rupees Also provide the reason for not considering it while the process of
renewal took place at the level of the secretariat.
Sought information -5-Provide the copy of
the communication of Lions club or Lions school management on which government
took the decision to extend the lease.
Sought information-6- Provide the reason for
not providing information even after the transfer of the RTI application to
your department, quite obvious from the registration number DOUDV/R/2021/80157
on 01/09/2021.
This is a humble
request of your applicant to you Hon'ble Sir that how can it be justified to
withhold public services arbitrarily and promote anarchy, lawlessness, and
chaos arbitrarily by making the mockery of law of land? There is need of the
hour to take harsh steps against the wrongdoer to win the confidence of
citizenry and strengthen the democratic values for healthy and prosperous
democracy. For this, your appellant shall ever pray for you, Hon’ble Sir.
Date-09/07/2024 Yours sincerely
Yogi M. P. Singh, Mobile
Mohalla- Surekapuram
colony, Jabalpur Road, District-Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, PIN code-231001.
It is quite obvious that this is matter of corruption concerning the urban development but it is most unfortunate Yogi government is claiming to be honest and do not want to take action against the corrupt elements in the government machinery.