OTP sent by RTI portal is not reaching on email and mobiles of information seekers

Gmail Ashok Kumar Maurya <ashokkumarmaurya9619971441@gmail.com>

OTP is not being sent on mobile number and email.

1 message

Ashok Kumar Maurya <ashokkumarmaurya9619971441@gmail.com> 10 September 2024 at 20:39

To: onlinertihelpline.up@gov.in, cmup@nic.in

Most respected sir it is most unfortunate that the applicant wants to know the status of the submitted RTI application but OTP sent on email is not reaching on email and OTP sent on mobile number is not receiving on mobile number which is causing great difficulty to the applicant.

The applicant wants to check the current status of the following RTI application because a message of disposal of this RTI application has been sent on the email of the applicant.

Registration Number DIRPR/R/2024/60323

Name Ashok Kumar Maurya

Date of Filing 10/07/2024

Status RTI REQUEST RECEIVED as on 10/07/2024

  Nodal Officer Details  


Email-ID up.panchayatiraj@gmail.com

This is a humble request of the applicant to the concerned staff of the RTI portal to fix the issue as soon as possible. This is an example of 3rd grade delivery of public services which is contrary to the good governance being provided by our chief minister.

Date-10/09/2024                                            Yours sincerely

                                                                     Ashok Kumar Maurya

S/O Muralidhar Maurya , Village Vihasara Khurd, Police station Jigana

Districts Mirzapur Pincode 231303 State Uttar Pradesh, Mobile Number-9619971441

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