Second appeal against DPRO/Secretary, Village Panchayat Nibi Gaharwar before UPSIC
Secretary of village panchayat Nibi Gaharwar is taking under teeth provisions of RTI Act 2005
Prayer or Relief Sought The RTI application submitted on 10th January 2024 is quite obvious from the status of the RTI application given below. It is quite obvious that more than three months passed, but it is most unfortunate district Panchayati raj officer Mirzapur did not provide any information to the appellant nor made any communication regarding the rti application with the appellant which is a mockery of the provisions of right to information act 2005.
Think about the gravity of the situation, there is no fear in the mind of the district Panchayati Raj officer that action may be taken against him for violating subsection one of section 7 of the right to information act 2005.
Please direct the District Panchayati Raj Officer Mirzapur to provide information to the appellant as soon as possible and action must be taken against him for violating the provisions of the right to information act 2005.
Registration Number DIRPR/R/2024/80151 Name Yogi M P Singh
The appellant is seeking the following information from the public information officer and because of corruption district panchayati Raj officer Mirzapur is running away from providing information to the appellant which reflects the Jungle Raj in the working of the public authority.
1- Public information officer may provide the estimates of the developmental schemes executed in the village panchayat- Nibi Gaharwar, development block- Chhanbey, district-Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh in the last three years.
2- Public information officer may provide the distribution of government fund in the developmental schemes executed in the village panchayat- Nibi Gaharwar, development block- Chhanbey, district-Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh in the last three years.
3- Public information officer may provide the work booklet of the developmental schemes executed in the village panchayat- Nibi Gaharwar, development block- Chhanbey, district-Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh in the last three years.
4-Public information officer may provide the Description of the release of the government fund for the developmental schemes executed in the village panchayat- Nibi Gaharwar, development block- Chhanbey, district-Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh in the last three years.
5-Public information officer may provide the Wall painting details and the government fund spent on them, of the developmental schemes executed in the village panchayat- Nibi Gaharwar, development block- Chhanbey, district-Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh in the last three years.