Welcome UPICR20240000149
Second Appeal under section 19(3) of the Right to Information Act, 2005
Appeal Registration Number - A-20241000477
Appeallent's Particulars
Applied Date : 09/10/2024 09:06:29 AM
Name Yogi M P Singh
Gender Male
Town/Village मिर्जापुर
Pincode 231001
Mobile Number 7379105911
Email yogimpsingh@gmail.com
Address सुरेकापुरम कॉलोनी जबलपुर रोड मिर्जापुर सिटी
Division Mirzapur
District Mirzapur
Office District Development Officer Mirzapur
Details of Request for obtaining information under section 6(1) of RTI Act, 2005
Date of RTI application under section 6(1) 02-07-2023
Is the Applicant below piverty line? No
Section 6(1) Application No. COMRD/R/2023/60119
Section 6(1) Transaction ID COMRDR20230000000209
Action Taken by Public Information Officer(PIO)
Answer of P.I.O. Not providing Information in Stipulated Time
Date of PIO Reply ---
Public Information Officer Details
PIO DDO Mirzapur Shrawan Kumar Rai
Address Public Information Officer Office - District Development Officer Mirzapur
Pincode 231001
Mobile Number 9454465108
Email ddomirzapur123@gmail.com
Details of First Appeal
Date of First Appeal application under Section 19(1) 14-10-2023
FAA CDO Mirzapur Vishal Kumar
Address First Appellate Authority Office - District Development Officer Mirzapur
Pincode 231001
Mobile Number 9454465106
Email drda-mir@nic.in
FAA Address Details
Answer of First Appellate Authority (FAA) Answer unsatisfactory/false/misleading etc.
Date of Order 31-08-2024
Delay Reason NA
Relief sought under Section 19(3)- Second Appeal of the Right to Information Act, 2005 Public information officer did not entertain the RTI application and the same practise was adopted by first appellate authority consequently no information has been provided to the appellant
Other Supporting Documents
Document-1 Details Supporting document
Document-2 Details Application status
Hearing Option
Hearing Type Offline
Online Hearing Mobile ---
Online Hearing Email ---
I hereby state that the information and particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also declare that this matter is not previously filed with this commission nor is pending with any Court or tribunal or authority.
Documents Enclosure
Scanned copy of the signed second appeal u/s 19(3) of the Right to Information Act,2005
Copy of Order
Copy of RTI Application under section 6(1)
Copy of First Appeal under section 19(1)
RTI Covering
First Appeal Covering
Chief Information Commissioner/
Companion Information Commissioners
7/7A, RTI Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand,
Gomti Nagar Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, PIN Code-226010
Details of the appellant-Yogi M P
Singh, Mohalla Surekapuram colony, Jabalpur Road, Sangmohal post office,
Districts Mirzapur, Pin
code-231001, State-Uttar Pradesh, Mobile number 7379105911
Details of the respondents-
1-PIO of Public Authority
Designation-DDO, Name-Shri Shravan
Kumar Rai,
Mobile No-9454465108, Email Id: - ddomirzapur123@gmail.com,
PIN Code-231001
2-Concerned Appellate Authority- CDO
Mirzapur, Name- Vishal Kumar (I.A.S.), Mobile Number: - 9454465106, Email Id: -
drda-mir@nic.in District Mirzapur, Pin
code 231001
Prayer- Public information officer
did not entertain the RTI application, and the same practise was adopted by
first appellate authority consequently no information has been provided to the
appellant. Most respected commission must direct the public information officer
to provide information and apply section 20 of the right to information act
2005 to impose pecuniary penalty on public information officer.
Short submissions of the appellant
are as follows.
Most respected sir, please take a glance of the current status of the
submitted RTI application by the appellant as follows.
Registration Number COMRD/R/2023/60119
Name Yogi
M P Singh
Date of Filing 02/07/2023
Status REQUEST FORWARDED TO PIO as on 03/07/2023
Details of PIO :- Telephone Number:-
9454465108, Email Id:- ddomirzapur123@gmail.com
Note :- You are advised to contact
the above mentioned officer for further details.
2-Most respected sir, please take a
glance of the current status of the submitted RTI appeal by the appellant as
Registration Number COMRD/A/2023/60252
Name Yogi
M P Singh
Date of Filing 14/10/2023
Status APPEAL DISPOSED OF as on 31/08/2024
Reply :- Office me shikayat suchana
upaldha karane kat kare.
View Document
3-Most respected sir it is most
unfortunate that public information officer is seeking the physical presence of
the information seeker in the office to know about what information has been sought
by the appellant from the public information officer which is pretty pretext to
procrastinate on the matter. It seems that something is wrong in the
implementation of the transfer policy of the government of Uttar Pradesh
consequently concerned public information officer is avoiding to provide
information concerning posting details of the public personnel in development
4-Most respected madam/Sir the
appellant sought following five-point information from the public information
officer in the office of Chief Development Officer
1-Public information
officer in the office of chief development officer District Mirzapur may
provide the first posting details of the project director, chief development
officer and District development officer in which district and on which date
his first posting took place.
2-Public information
officer in the office of chief development officer District Mirzapur may tell
the applicant that on which date chief development officer, project director
and District development officer joined in Mirzapur District, what was his post
at that time.
3-All the Class I category
employees in the office of the chief development officer Mirzapur, their
district joining date posting details should be made available to the
4-Provide the posting
details of all the Class 2 category employees in the office of the chief
development officer Mirzapur, the date of joining in the district, to the
5- Provide the joining date posting details of
all the third-class employees in the office of the chief development officer
Mirzapur in the district to the applicant.
6-Provide joining date and
work details of all class IV employees of the office of the chief development
officer Mirzapur in the district.
This is a humble request of your
appellant to you Hon'ble Sir that the matter concerns the working of the Chief
Development Officer district-Mirzapur whose public information officer is the
district development officer Mirzapur Shravan Kumar Rai itself. It is quite
obvious that concerned district development officer is not providing
information to the information seeker which is violation of the provisions of
the right to information act 2005 by the District Development Officer.
Yours sincerely.
Yogi M. P. Singh, Mobile number
Mohalla- Surekapuram colony, Jabalpur
Road, District-Mirzapur, Uttar
Pradesh, PIN code-231001.