Your RTI Appeal filed successfully.
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Registration Number :DMOJU/A/2024/60248
Name :Yogi M P Singh
Date of Filing :23-10-2024
FAA Details
Designation :Chief Revenue Officer
Phone No. :9454417140
Email Id
Contact Details
Telephone Number :8707843749
Online RTI Appeal Form Details
Public Authority Details :-
Personal Details:-
* Name Yogi M P Singh
Gender Male
* Address Mohalla Surekapuram , Jabalpur Road, Sangmohal post office
Districts Mirzapur
Pincode 231001
State Uttar Pradesh
Educational Status Literate
Phone Number Details not provided
Mobile Number +91-7379105911
Email-ID yogimpsingh[at]gmail[dot]com
Citizenship Indian
* Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line ? No
First Appeal Details u/s 19(1) :-
Registration Number DMOJU/A/2024/60248
Date of Filing 23/10/2024
Concerned Appellate Authority CRO Jaunpur
Phone No 9454417140
Email Id
Ground For Appeal No Response Within the Time Limit
((Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters) )
Prayer or Relief Sought From the following status of the submitted RTI application by the appellant, it is quite obvious that the appellant submitted the RTI application on 25th August 2024 which was forwarded to the concerned public information officer on 5th September 2024 by the nodal officer in the office of district magistrate Jaunpur. It is obvious that two months have passed since the date the application to seek information from the office of executive officer municipality Jaunpur was submitted by the appellant on the RTI portal of the government of Uttar Pradesh and it is obvious that no information has been made available to the appellant and most surprising thing is that RTI application has not been entertained by the concerned public information officer i.e. executive officer municipality Jaunpur.
Registration Number DMOJU/R/2024/60321
Name Yogi M P Singh
Date of Filing 25/08/2024
Status REQUEST FORWARDED TO PIO as on 05/09/2024
Details of PIO :- Telephone Number:- 9919623435, Email Id:-
Note :- You are advised to contact the above mentioned officer for further details.
Consequently we see that the following public information officer violated subsection 1 of section 7 of the right to information act 2005 by not providing information within stipulated 30 days so action must be taken against him by the senior rank officer of the department which means first appellate authority in the matter.
PIO Details
PIO NAME EO Nagarpalika
Designation EO Nagarpalika
Phone No. 9919623435
Email Id
The right to information act was introduced by the government of India to promote transparency and accountability in the working of the public authorities so that growing corruption like jungle fire in the working of the public authorities could be reduced but it is most unfortunate corruption itself has diluted the provisions of right to information act 2005 Which is quite obvious from the insolence of the public information officer to the provisions of right to information act 2005.
This is a humble request of the appellant to the most respected Sir to direct the public information officer to provide the information to the appellant as well as initiate disciplinary proceedings against executive officer municipality jaunpur for violating the provisions of right to information act 2005.
Since the matter concerns the corruption in the working of the public authority which is the root cause public information officer is procrastinating on the matter of providing information to the appellant.
Supporting document ((only pdf upto 1 MB)) Supporting document not provided
RTI Application Details u/s 6(1) :-
Registration Number DMOJU/R/2024/60321
Date of Filing 25/08/2024
PIO of Public Authority approached EO Nagarpalika
Designation EO Nagarpalika
Phone No 9919623435
Email Id
PIO Order/Decision Number Details not provided
* PIO Order/Decision Date