KOF form submitted against PIO regional office Varanasi of UP Board

Welcome : UPICR20240000149

Registration Number : A-20240100142

File Number : S06/A/0123/2024


Diary Number - D-131020240001

Citizen Details

Name Yogi M P Singh

Mobile Number 7379105911

Email yogimpsingh@gmail.com

Address सुरेकापुरम कॉलोनी जबलपुर रोड मिर्जापुर सिटी

Public Information Officer Details

PIO उपसचिव रीजनल ऑफिस वाराणसी

Address Public Information Officer Office - Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Council

Case Status

Disposed Date 16/08/2024

Hearing Status Final order passed and case disposed of.

Hearing Room S-6

Documents Enclosure

Document-1 Details

राज्य सूचना आयोग, उत्तर प्रदेश।

समक्षः मा० राज्य सूचना आयुक्त, श्री स्वतंत्र प्रकाश गुप्तः ।

अपील संख्या एस-06/ए/0123/2024

पंजीकरण सं० ए-20240100142

श्री योगी एमपी सिंह, मोहल्ला सुरेखापुरम, जबलपुर रोड, संगमोहनल........अपीलार्थी ।


जनसूचनाधिकारी, कार्यालय-उ०प्र० माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद.........प्रतिवादी ।

Prayer- Most respected sir, public information officer only misled the appellant and most respected commission.

Short submissions of the appellant are as follows.

Sought information 1-Public Information Officer in the office of additional secretary regional office Varanasi of U. P. Board may provide his first posting details in which district and on which date his first posting took place.

Reply of the PIO- 1. उ०प्र० सूचना का अधिकार नियमावली-2015 की धारा-4 (बी) के अन्तर्गत ग्राह्य नहीं है।

Submission of appellant-Violation of subsection 3 of section 6 of R.T.I. Act 2005.

Sought information 4-Public Information Officer in the office of additional secretary regional office Varanasi of U. P. Board may provide the posting details of all the Class 2 category employees in the regional office Varanasi, the date of joining in the regional office Varanasi, to the applicant.

Reply of the PIO- 4. बिन्दु सं० 02 में स्पष्ट किया जा चुका है। 2. जनसूचना अधिकारी / उप सचिव, माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद, क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय, वाराणसी द्वारा इस कार्यालय में दिनांक 18.10.2021 को कार्यभार ग्रहण किया गया है।

Submission of appellant- Most respected Sir, posting details do not mean name and designation only. It includes entire posting details with consistent dates. It is noticeable that the appellant is seeking date of joining in the regional office Varanasi.

Most respected sir there are 20 officers which belong to class two rank whose date of joining in the regional office for Varanasi was not provided because they are posted in the regional office Varanasi for more than three years which is the violation of the transfer policy of the government of Uttar Pradesh.

Sought information 5- Public Information Officer in the office of additional secretary regional office Varanasi of U. P. Board may provide the joining date, posting details of all the class-3 employees in the regional office Varanasi of the U. P. Board to the applicant.

Reply of the PIO-  5. सूची संलग्न है। शेष उ०प्र० सूचना का अधिकार नियमावली-2015 की धारा-4 (1)(2) क एवं ख के अन्तर्गत ग्राह्य नहीं है।

Submission of appellant- Most respected Sir where is the joining date, posting details of all the third-class employees in the regional office Varanasi of the U. P. Board.

Most respected sir desk of each 3rd class employees are changed after two years which is the root cause they have not told the date of joining and posting details.

Sought information 6-Public Information Officer in the office of additional secretary regional office Varanasi of U. P. Board may provide joining date and work details of all class IV employees in the regional office Varanasi of U. P. Board.

Reply of the PIO- 6. 03 पेज की सूची संलग्न है।

Submission of appellant- Most respected Sir where is the joining date, posting details of all the class-4 employees in the regional office Varanasi of the U. P. Board.

Most respected Sir, public information officer cryptically denied the information which the appellant needed from the public authority in order to expose irregularities in the implementation of new transfer policy of the government of Uttar Pradesh.

Please direct the public information officer to provide the information to the appellant. For this, appellant shall ever pray you, most respected Sir.

Date-12/10/2024          Yours sincerely

Yogi M. P. Singh Mobile number 7379105911


An anti-corruption crusader. Motive to build a strong society based on the principle of universal brotherhood. Human rights defender and RTI activist.

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