Grievance Status for registration number: GOVUP/E/2024/0077554
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Sadhana Tiwari
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Uttar Pradesh
Grievance Description
Circle Officer City, Department of police Mirzapur. Action on Petition of the applicant transferred by UPHRC.
The matter concerns the working of the subordinate of circle officer city under the supervision of circle of officer city. The matter concerns the working of the staff dealing with the matter transferred by the Uttar Pradesh Human Rights Commission Lucknow for the appropriate action in accordance with the law.
The applicant submitted the following petition before the Uttar Pradesh Human Rights Commission which details are as follows.
Diary No 3613/IN/2024 Case / File No 10035/24/55/2024, Victim Name SADHANA TIWARI
Registration Date 02/09/2024
Action: Disposed with Directions, Action Date 05/09/2024, Authority THE SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE- MIRZAPUR
Proceeding- I have perused the allegations made in the complaint of complainant Sadhana Tiwari.
Keeping in view the nature of allegations made in the complaint it would be appropriate to send a copy of the complaint to the Superintendent of Police, Mirzapur who shall look into the matter and do the needful in accordance with law at his end with the intimation to the complainant. I have not expressed any opinion on the merit of the complainant's case.
Subject to the above observations the complaint is finally disposed of.
The office of the circle officer issued notice to the applicant to summon for witness testimony by inviting in the office.
The concerned staff made the inquiry with the applicant and the applicant properly responded to him and entire facts were disclosed before the concerned staff of the circle office. When the inquiry was over then concerned staff asked the applicant to submit the entire inquiry in her own handwriting.
The applicant submitted the representation in her own signature in Hindi prepared by the applicant in the morning, but this written testimony revealing the factual position of the case was denied accepting by the concerned staff at the circle office city of the Department of police.
Most respected sir, how can concerned staff deny accepting my written witness testimony? Why does the concerned staff not record the oral statement of the aggravated petitioner and after recording, signature had to be taken for authentication as required under law?
The applicant has sent the typed factual position under her signature in the service of most respected Sir through a registered post which is quite obvious from the attached pdf documents to the grievance.
O God please stop harassing vulnerable sections especially women and girls and safeguard their rights through proper management in the working of the department. For this, the applicant shall ever pray to you, most respected sir.
Please direct the concerned subordinate to connect my signed written testimony with the petition transferred by Uttar Pradesh Human Rights Commission to superintendent of police district Mirzapur which is being looked into by the circle officer city, police Mirzapur.
Grievance Document
Current Status
Grievance received
Date of Action
Officer Concerns To
Forwarded to
Uttar Pradesh
Officer Name
Shri Arvind Mohan (Joint Secretary)
Organisation name
Uttar Pradesh
Contact Address
Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow
Email Address
Contact Number
समन्वित शिकायत निवारण प्रणाली, उत्तर प्रदेश
सन्दर्भ संख्या:- 40019924025603
लाभार्थी का विवरण
नाम Sadhana Tiwari पिता/पति का नाम Omkar Nath Tiwari
मोबइल नंबर(१) 6387233091 मोबइल नंबर(२)
आधार कार्ड न. ई-मेल
पता Surekapuram Colony Jabalpur Road Mirzapur City Pin code 231001
आवेदन पत्र का ब्यौरा
आवेदन पत्र का संक्षिप्त ब्यौरा Circle Officer City, Department of police Mirzapur. Action on Petition of the applicant transferred by UPHRC. The matter concerns the working of the subordinate of circle officer city under the supervision of circle of officer city. The matter concerns the working of the staff dealing with the matter transferred by the Uttar Pradesh Human Rights Commission Lucknow for the appropriate action in accordance with the law.
संदर्भ दिनांक 28-10-2024 पूर्व सन्दर्भ(यदि कोई है तो) 0,0
विभाग गृह एवं गोपन शिकायत श्रेणी पुलिस के विरूद्ध शिकायती प्रार्थना पत्र
लाभार्थी का विवरण/शिकायत क्षेत्र का
शिकायत क्षेत्र का पता तहसील- सदर, जिला- मिर्ज़ापुर