Mirzapur police is not registering FIR of Mahima Maurya is reflection of justice

Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2024/0078462

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Mahima Maurya

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Uttar Pradesh

Grievance Description

If the applicant was not badly injured by the offenders then what was the need of medical examination of the applicant and the applicant along with the police constables was sent to the community health centre Vindhyachal? Entire reports of the police are baseless, false and mere concocted stories. The submissions of the applicant are based on documents attached to the grievance. The incredible police are alleging that the applicant is making baseless allegations. The role of the police is cryptic and mysterious throughout the matter and there is no transparency in the dealings.

Whether the first information report of vulnerable sections especially women and girls are not registered in the regime of Yogi Adityanath by the police in the state.

The applicant is the main victim in the case.

The applicant was mercilessly beaten by the offenders.

Consequently -3 stitches were put on the head because of the fatal injury occurred on the head.

Bone of the thumb fractured on which plaster was put by the government hospital Allahabad.

The police did not register the first information report of the victim. If the first information report has been registered by the police, then the police must disclose it.

The report of the circle officer City is a copy of the report of the station house officer Vindhyachal police station and he has not applied his own presence of mind to find out the truth with the help of attached documents and circumstances of the case.

Where is the medical examination report of the applicant as a medical examination carried out at the community health center Vindhyachal by the Vindhyachal police? Vide attached documents to the grievance.

Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2024/0075478

Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant- Mahima Maurya, Date of Receipt- 22/10/2024, Received By Ministry/Department-Uttar Pradesh

Most respected sir following report has been submitted by the circle officer City district Mirzapur Mr Vivek Chawla in the aforementioned grievance as follows.

Dated -October 2024, आईजीआरएस / सीएम हेल्पलाइन संन्दर्भ संख्या-60000240209002

संदर्भित प्रकरण में गहराई से जॉच किया गया तथा प्रभारी निरीक्षक थाना विन्ध्याचल से आख्या प्राप्त किया गया तो पाया गया कि आवेदिका महिमा मौर्या उपरोक्त पते कि निवासी है। आवेदिका के पति प्रमोद कुमार व विपक्षी मनोज कुमार कुशवाहा आपस मे सगे भाई है। जिनके बीच मे पुरानी रंजीश को लेकर आपस मे दिनाँक 14.09.2024 को मार पीठ किया गया था। जिसके संबंध मे आवेदिका महिमा मौर्या के द्वारा विपक्षीगणो के खिलाफ दिये गये प्रार्थना पत्र के आधार पर दिनाँक 14.09.2024 को थाना विन्ध्याचल पर एनसीआर नं0-105/24 व 104/24 धारा 115(2),352 बीएनएसएस दर्ज किया गया था । जाँच के क्रम मे उभयपक्षो का दिनाँक 14.09.2024 को निरोधात्मक कार्यावाही अन्तर्गत धारा 170/126/135 बीएनएसएस कि कार्यवाही कि गयी थी। जबकी आवेदिका महिमा मौर्या का कहना है कि विपक्षीगणो को अभी तक जेल क्यो नही भेजा गया है। इस संबंध मे आवेदिका महिमा मौर्या को बताया गया कि आप मा0 न्यायलय मे वाद दाखिल कर अनुतोष प्राप्त करना सुनिश्चित करे। इ

Most respected sir, it seems that concerned staff either did not understand the submissions of the grievance or he cryptically overlooked the submissions of the grievances in order to conceal the facts of the case. Think about the gravity of the situation if the police will submit arbitrary reports on the jansunwai portal of the Government of Uttar Pradesh then how can justice be available to the oppressed section of the society quite obvious in the matter. If the non cognizable report is based on the submissions of the Mahima Maurya then why there is no name of Mahima Maurya in the non cognizable report of the Vindhyachal police quite obvious from the attached PDF documents to the grievance. How can Vindhyachal police make the facts of the case in an arbitrary manner by making the mockery of the provisions of the law of the country? Where is the description of the injuries made on the bodily organs of the Mahima Maurya and where is the medical examination report of the Mahima Maurya?

Grievance Document

Current Status

Grievance received   

Date of Action


Officer Concerns To

Forwarded to

Uttar Pradesh

Officer Name

Shri Arvind Mohan (Joint Secretary)

Organisation name

Uttar Pradesh

Contact Address

Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow

Email Address


Contact Number


 Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2024/0075478

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Mahima Maurya

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Uttar Pradesh

Grievance Description

Subject- Station house officer Vindhyachal police station District Mirzapur did not register the first information report of the applicant.

General Diary Details, State Uttar Pradesh, Police station Vindhyachal District/Unit Mirzapur

1. GD. No. 057, 2. G.D. Date 14/09/2024 15 51 O Clock, 3. GD. Type: Detained in preventive action, 4. Entry for (officer) : Sub Inspector

5 Case Type Mature, for more details please take a glance of 11th page or last page of the attached pdf document to this petition.

Short submissions of the applicant before the most respected sir are as follows.

1-This is a humble request of the applicant to take a glance of the following non cognizable report registered in the police station Vindhyachal Kotwali in which action is awaited on the part of investigation officer police station- Vindhyachal Kotwali District-Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh.PS (थाना): विध्याचल, N.C.R NON COGNIZABLE OFFENCE INFORMATION REPORT In respect of Non Cognizable Offence (Under Section 174 B.N.S.S.) District : मिर्जापुर

NCR No - 104/2024 Date: 14/09/2024

Sections 115(2) 352 Time : 09:00 बजे

स्थायी पता Address गोडसर सरपती, विध्याचल, मिजांपुर, उत्तर प्रदेश भारत

Place of occurrence : (a) Information Received at P.S Date 14/09/2024

Time : 14:06 बजे (b) General Diary Reference G.D. No. : 046 G.D. Time 14:06 बजे , for more details please take a glance at first and second page of the attached pdf document.

2- It is quite obvious from the general diary report attached to this petition as 11th page of pdf documents it is categorically mentioned that Sub Inspector Binod Kumar Yadav departed from the police station Vindhyachal along with his colleagues to investigate N.C.R.104/2024 and 105/2024. This implies that N.C.R.105/2024 was registered later by the Vindhyachal police i.e. after G.D. Time 14:06 बजे

3- The applicant along with her husband reached police station Vindhyachal at 10:30 o'clock in the morning. The applicant was mercilessly beaten by the offenders. At 12:00 o'clock along with police constable the applicant reached Community Health Centre Vindhyachal for medical examination.

4- It is noticeable that the offenders 1- Subham Kushwaha S/O Manoj Kushwaha, 2- Manoj Kushwaha S/O Rambali Kushwaha and 3- Saroja Devi W/O Manoj Kushwaha. had already reached to the police station Vindhyachal.

5- The husband of the applicant made a call to dial 100 and when police reached on the place of event offenders already fled from the site and reached to police station Vindhyachal which is the cause to reach late of the applicant at police station Vindhyachal.

6- Doctor of the Community Health center attended the applicant and primary remedy/treatment was made on the wounds on head and thumb as bone of thumb was fractured. The applicant was discharged from the community health centre at three O clock in the evening.

7- The injuries made on the body of the applicant was of serious nature, so applicant was admitted in the government hospital at district Prayagraj which is quite obvious from the attached documents to this petition.

8- When the husband of the petitioner and the offenders were at the police station Vindhyachal, how the Sub Inspector Binod Kumar Yadav departed from the police station Vindhyachal along with his colleagues quite obvious from reference GD. No. 057, 2. G.D. Date 14/09/2024 15 51 O Clock, 3. GD. Type: Detained.

9- Whether such cryptic, mysterious and misleading reports lowering the credibility of the police and such practices which are promoting anarchy in the management of the police must not be curbed.

10- It is most unfortunate that accused Saroja Devi W/O Manoj Kushwaha. was excluded from the non-cognizable report deliberately by Police-Vindhyachal, quite obvious from the first and second page of the attached pdf document to the grievance.

Please provide justice to woman belonging to weaker and downtrodden section of society. For this applicant shall ever pray you, most respected sir.

Grievance Document

Current Status

Case closed   

Date of Action



श्रीमान् जी आख्या संलग्न है संदर्भित प्रकरण मे गहराई से जॉच किया गया तथा प्रभारी निरीक्षक थाना विन्ध्याचल से आख्या प्राप्त किया गया तो पाया गया कि आवेदिका महिमा मौर्या उपरोक्त पते कि निवासी है आवेदिका के पति प्रमोद कुमार व विपक्षी मनोज कुमार कुशवाहा आपस मे सगे भाई है जिनके बीच मे पुरानी रंजीश को लेकर आपस मे दिनाँक 14.09.2024 को मार पीठ किया गया था जिसके संबंध मे आवेदिका महिमा मौर्या के द्वारा विपक्षीगणो के खिलाफ दिये गये प्रार्थना पत्र के आधार पर दिनाँक 14.09.2024 को थाना विन्ध्याचल पर एनसीआर नं0 10524 व 10424 धार महोदय, जाँच आख्या संलग्न है अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित

Reply Document




Rating Remarks

Most respected sir, it seems that concerned staff either did not understand the submissions of the grievance or he cryptically overlocked the submissions of the grievances in order to conceal the facts of the case. Think about the gravity of situation if the police will submit arbitrary reports on the jansunwai portal of the Government of Uttar Pradesh then how can justice will be available to the oppressed section of the society quite obvious in the matter. If the non cognizable report is based on the submissions of the Mahima Maurya then why there is no name of Mahima Maurya in the non cognizable report of the Vindhyachal police quite obvious from the attached PDF documents to the grievance. How can Vindhyachal police make the facts of the case in arbitrary manner by making the mockery of the provisions of the law of the country? Where is the description of the injuries made on the bodily organs of the Mahima Maurya and where is the medical examination report of the Mahima Maurya?

Officer Concerns To

Officer Name

Shri Arvind Mohan (Joint Secretary)

Organisation name

Government of Uttar Pradesh

Contact Address

Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow

Email Address


Contact Number


Preeti Singh

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