Sudarshan Maurya again submitted representation before government


Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2022/34767
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Sudarshan Maurya
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Uttar Pradesh
Grievance Description
Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2022/08782 Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Yogi M. P. Singh Date of Receipt 20/02/2022
Received By Ministry/Department Uttar Pradesh
Sir, Applicant wants to draw the kind attention of the Honourable Sir to the blunder committed by the concerned staff of the chief minister office in processing the aforementioned grievance.
Undoubtedly chief minister office government of Uttar Pradesh sent matter to the district magistrate prayagraj while the Matter was concerned with the assistant labour commissioner district Mirzapur so whatever wrongly done by the chief minister office that is mockery of the law of land and showing incompetence of the concerned staff of the chief minister office. It is quite obvious that the complainant submitted the reminder clarification on the public grievance portal so that mistakes of law could be avoided. Since the mistake was made by the office of chief minister deliberately consequently they overlooked the reminder /clarification of the complainant and continued on their wrong path. Whether in a healthy democratic setup the grievances submitted by the people of state redressed by the accountable public functionaries of the government in this way? To establish the faith of the common people in the function of state machinery, an independent enquiry must be ordered which may be carried out in a transparent and accountable manner.
It is quite obvious that the matter concerns the working of the assistant labour commissioner Mirzapur but it was sent to D.M. Prayagraj arbitrarily in a cryptic manner. Vide संदर्भ संख्या : 60000220024134 , दिनांक - 27 March 2022 तक की स्थिति आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण : शिकायत संख्या:-60000220024134 1 अंतरित लोक शिकायत अनुभाग -3(, मुख्यमंत्री कार्यालय ) 21-02-2022 कृपया शीघ्र नियमानुसार कार्यवाही किये जाने की अपेक्षा की गई है। जिलाधिकारी-प्रयागराज , 25-03-2022 अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित निक्षेपित 2 अंतरित जिलाधिकारी ( ) 24-03-2022 आवश्यक कार्यवाही करने का कष्ट करें एवं आख्या प्रेषित करें वरिष्ठ /पुलिस अधीक्षक-प्रयागराज ,पुलिस 25-03-2022 प्रकरण का संबंध जनपद मिर्जापुर से है। निस्तारित
Grievance Document
Current Status
Grievance received   
Date of Action
Officer Concerns To
Forwarded to
Uttar Pradesh
Officer Name
Shri Bhaskar Pandey (Joint Secretary)
Organisation name
Uttar Pradesh
Contact Address
Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow
Email Address
Contact Number
Beerbhadra Singh

To write blogs and applications for the deprived sections who can not raise their voices to stop their human rights violations by corrupt bureaucrats and executives.


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  1. संदर्भ संख्या : 60000220024134 , दिनांक - 27 March 2022 तक की स्थिति आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण : शिकायत संख्या:-60000220024134 1 अंतरित लोक शिकायत अनुभाग -3(, मुख्यमंत्री कार्यालय ) 21-02-2022 कृपया शीघ्र नियमानुसार कार्यवाही किये जाने की अपेक्षा की गई है। जिलाधिकारी-प्रयागराज , 25-03-2022 अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित निक्षेपित 2 अंतरित जिलाधिकारी ( ) 24-03-2022 आवश्यक कार्यवाही करने का कष्ट करें एवं आख्या प्रेषित करें वरिष्ठ /पुलिस अधीक्षक-प्रयागराज ,पुलिस 25-03-2022 प्रकरण का संबंध जनपद मिर्जापुर से है। निस्तारित

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