HDB Financial Services acquired the vehicle of Mangala Prasad Prajapati without proper exchange of document showing arbitrariness in working

Last Login Time : 2023-03-14 15:42:24

Grievance Details

Grievance Number: 4389694

Grievance Reg Date: 2023-03-27 17:15:31

Complainant Name : Yogi M. P. Singh Mahesh Pratap Singh Complainant Contact No : 7379105911

Mode : By Web Complaint Type : Complaint

State : UTTAR PRADESH Purchase City : Mirzapur

Sector : NBFCs Category : Personal Loans

Grievance Company : HDB Financial Services Company Name : HDB Financial Services

Govt Dept / Regulator :

Loan Account no./Application No: 2888169 Loan Amount: 0

EMI Mode: ECS Tenure: 00

Model: Vehicle No / Application No:

Chassis No.: Engine No.:

Dealer/Service center Name and Address:

Company Details HDB FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD, RatanganjGround Floor, House No.87, Ward No.10, Triveni Campus, Ratanganj, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh - 231001Customer Servicephone +91 44 4298 4541customer.support@hdbfs.com Pincode (Company): Pincode (Company):

Product Value(INR) : 100000-1000000 Nature of Complaints : Made payments but agent not delivering loan product

Grievance Details : An application under Article 51 A of the constitution of India on behalf of मंगला प्रसाद प्रजापति पुत्र रामऔतार निवासी तहसील की गली वाली रोड, महुअरिया मीरजापुर 231001, Mobile number-9580275895 to know the current status of the vehicle under the possession of the financial company and subsequent action in the matter. You require following information to interact with representative of your borrower. Loan Account Number-2888169,  Applicant Name-Mangala Prasad Prajapati, Date of Birth of  Applicant-02 July 1977,PAN Number of Applicant-CDKPP0164K Registered Mobile Number-9580275895, Vehicle details under the under the possession of the HDB FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD illegally is as follows.यह कि प्रार्थी ने आपकी एच०डी०बी० फाइनेंशियल सर्विसेस तेलियागंज, जनपद मीरजापुर की शाखा से एक वाहन मॉडल टाटा एल०टी०टी० 2515 रजि0 नं0 UP63K9251 फाइनेंस कराया था जिसका लोन एकाउन्ट नंबर 2888169 और UCIC नंबर 4833344 है। प्रार्थी ने उक्त वाहन के किश्त की अदायगी समय-समय पर करता चला आया है More details are attached to the grievance.  UNREGISTER CUSTOMER -HDBE23030800331CUSTOMER.SUPPORT@hdbfs.com8 Mar 2023, 16:21to meDear Sir / Madam, Greetings from HDB Financial Services Ltd. Thank you for writing to us. Kindly be informed that the captioned Email ID is not registered with us. We hereby acknowledge the receipt of your email and the Service Request ticket number assigned to your query is  HDBE23030800331. The aggrieved applicant contacted the local branch manager of the HDB FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD, RatanganjGround Floor, House No.87, Ward No.10, Triveni Campus, Ratanganj, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh but not cooperated the aggrieved Mangala Prasad Prajapati.The aggrieved applicant Mangala Prasad Prajapati submitted representation before the local branch manager Mirzapur of the HDB FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD through registered post on 08 December 2022 as he was not cooperating the applicant in regard to information of the vehicle acquired by the company without proper exchange of documents required under the law. Moreover, HDB FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD did not respond properly on this forum when the representation submitted by the representative of the borrower as Grievance Number: 4324250 Grievance Reg Date: 2023-03-04 16:30:49.This implies that impugned vehicle of the aforementioned details has been sold by the company without informing the borrower arbitrarily. The staff of the company is not putting light in regard to feedback concerning vehicle.  Financial company is not interested to exchange any information regarding vehicle acquired by financial company arbitrarily by reaping the benefits of innocent and gullible borrower. Here feedback regarding the vehicle is important which is the core issue but due to lack of transparency and accountability in the dealings of the HDB financial company their staff are escaping from the issue. I have provided the PAN Number and date of birth of the aggrieved applicant as they demanded. 

Status :  In Process  

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