Kamlesh Singh sought information from SPIO in the office of S.P. Mirzapur concerning the working of Dial 112 police as failed to curb illegal acts


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Please note down the following details for further reference.

Registration Number SPMZR/R/2022/60057

Name Kamlesh Singh

Date of Filing 28-10-2022

RTI Fee Received    10

Online Reference Number IK0BYGDYA5

Transaction Status Success


 Contact Details of Nodal Officer  

Telephone Number 9454401105

Email-ID addlspopmzr@gmail.com

Online RTI Request Form Details

Public Authority Details:-




Personal Details of RTI Applicant:-

Registration Number SPMZR/R/2022/60057

Date of Filing 28/10/2022

* Name Kamlesh Singh

Gender Male

* Address Village Kothra Kantit, Post Shree Nivas Dham, Police station Jigna

Pincode 231313

State Uttar Pradesh

Educational Status Illiterate

Phone Number Details not provided

Mobile Number +91-8127195424

Email-ID myogimpsingh[at]gmail[dot]com

Citizenship Indian

* Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line? No

RTI Application Details u/s 6(1) :-

((Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters) )

* Description of Information Sought SPIO in the office of S.P. Mirzapur may provide the following.

1-Son of the applicant called the police by dialling 112, but the boring still continued by the offenders. Please provide the documents/order note of competent authority which made police impotent to take action in the matter. 
2-In sub judice/ lis pendens matter, offenders are trying to supersede the jurisdiction of the competent revenue court, and police are mute spectators. Which canon of law supports the stagnancy of police in the matter?
3-Provide the posting details with names and designations of police personnel who visited the site today and failed to stop illegal boring in impugned land.  
महोदय जब न्यायालय मुकदमा विचाराधीन है तो जमीन में बोर करवाकर कब्ज़ा करना कहा तक न्यायोचित है क्या जिगना पुलिस का यह नैतिक दायित्व नहीं है की अभियुक्त गणो को बिबादित जमीन जमीन किसी तरह कोई कब्जे कार्यवाही न करने दे नहीं तो उपजिलाधिकारी महोदय के पास निर्णय सुनाने के लिए कुछ बचेगा ही नहीं इस तरह से न्यायालय का भी कोई महत्व नहीं रहेगा श्री मान जी प्रार्थी को इस आराजकता की मार से बचाइए श्री मान जी ऐसे में न्यायालय का क्या महत्व है न्यायालय के निर्णय का कोई इन्तजार नहीं करना चाहता है जो अपराधी किस्म के लोग है 
Subject-Despite the objection by the applicant in sub judice matter pending before the competent revenue court under section 34/35 of the revenue code 2006 quite obvious from the Nakal made available by the court and attached to this grievance, offenders are taking possession of the land by using muscle power. 
Herewith the details of the victim are as follows. Name- Kamlesh Singh, Gender -Male,  Address-Village Kothra Kantit, Post Shree Nivas Dham, Police station Jigna, Pin code- 231313, Country-India, State- Uttar Pradesh, 
Details of the offenders are as follows.
1-Raghuvar Dayal Singh S/O Bhanu Pratap Singh 2-Jaydheer Singh S/O Raghuvar Dayal Singh  3-Dilip Singh S/O Raghuvar Dayal Singh  4-Nagendra Singh S/O Jaydheer Singh  5-Amit Singh S/O Jaidheer Singh  6-Himanshu Singh  S/O Jaidheer Singh
The address of the aforementioned offenders is as follows.
Village-Kothra Kantit, Post Shree Nivas Dham, Police station-Jigna, Pin code 231313, Country-India, State-Uttar Pradesh
The case description is as follows-  
श्री मान जी जब उपरोक्त मुल्जिमान जमीन को कब्जा ही कर लेंगे तो उपजिलाधिकारी महोदय सदर के निर्णय का क्या महत्व होगाश्री मान उपरोक्त अपराधी शातिर किस्म के व्यक्ति है जो ११२ नंबर की पुलिस के मना करने के बावजूद पुनः बोरिंग शुरू करवा  दिए अर्थात उनकी  उपजिलाधिकारी महोदय सदर के निर्णय के इन्तजार की मंशा नहीं है जो की असंबैधानिक है 
श्री मान पुलिस को बिबादित स्थल पर किये जा रहे बोर को रुकवाना चाहिए जो न्याय हित  में होगा 
श्री मान जी उपरोक्त अपराधीगण कानून में विश्वास नहीं करते और पुलिस को मामले में हस्तक्षेप करके यथास्थिति बनाये रखना चाहिए 

* Concerned PIO Nodal Officer

Designation Details not provided

Phone No Details not provided

Email Id Details not provided

Supporting document ((only pdf up to 1 MB))

Registration Number SPMZR/R/2022/60057

Name Kamlesh Singh

Date of Filing 28/10/2022

Status RTI REQUEST RECEIVED as on 28/10/2022

  Nodal Officer Details  


Telephone Number 9454401105

Email-ID addlspopmzr@gmail.com

Beerbhadra Singh

To write blogs and applications for the deprived sections who can not raise their voices to stop their human rights violations by corrupt bureaucrats and executives.

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