Status not received from NPCI server, Checked Date:-(19/11/2024 14:47:09)

Status not received from NPCI server, Checked Date:-(19/11/2024 14:47:09) (एनसीपीआई की एपीआई से प्राप्त विवरण)

Grievance Status for registration number : DPOST/E/2024/0032146

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Mahesh Pratap Singh alias Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department


Grievance Description

Posts >> Allegation of Corruption/ Malpractices/Harassment >> Others

Post Office : 231001

Whether such things are not promoting corruption in the government machinery if the online system is being misused through cryptic approaches of the corrupt government staff.

From the first page of the test PDF document it is quite obvious that registration was made by the applicant on 23rd October 2024 and the next entries were filled up and the applicant stopped when the approval was required from the national payment corporation of India.

Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India, Digital India National Payments Corporation of India Status from NPCI API Response

Status not received from NPCI server , Checked Date:-(02/11/2024 19:55:18)

(एनसीपीआई की एपीआई से प्राप्त विवरण)उ0प्र0 में दशमोत्तर छात्रवृत्ति व शुल्क प्रतिपूर्ति में अध्ययनरत छात्र/छात्राओं के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र को संशोधित करें (सत्र : (2024-25))

पंजीकरण विवरण

1: जिला (जहाँ छात्र/छात्रा अध्ययनरत है): Mirzapur 2: शिक्षण संस्थान : K.B.P.G. COLLAGE MIRZAPUR

3: रजिस्ट्रेशन संख्या : 690030502400228 4: धर्म : Hindu

5: वर्ग/जाति समूह : सामान्य वर्ग 6: छात्र / छात्रा का नाम : Bhoomika Singh

7: पिता का नाम : D/O: Mahesh Pratap Singh 8: मोबाइल एवं दूरभाष नं0 : 7379105911

9: लिंग : FEMALE 10: जन्मतिथि : 16-06-2006

Please direct National payment corporation of India to verify the bank details of the applicant Bhoomika Singh.

Think about the gravity of the situation in one month The National payment corporation of India could not verify the bank details whether it is not the failure of the government. Where is the good governance in this largest democracy in the world if rule of law has been substituted by rule of anarchy. Please adopt a cogent approach in the matter to resolve the issue at the earliest. This is not a stagnant dealing but cryptic approach of the corrupt government staff to deprive the students from scholarship and fee reimbursement.

Grievance Document

Current Status

Grievance received   

Date of Action


Officer Concerns To

Forwarded to


Officer Name

Shri Rupesh Pal (ADG PG)

Organisation name


Contact Address

Room No. 236H1, Dak Bhavan, Parliament Street New Delhi

Email Address

Contact Number


Reminder(s) / Clarification(s)

Reminder Date



Whether the concerned government staff will respond when the date will be over such corrupt practices are quite rampant in the department of government in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Please take action abruptly in the matter. According to the available records on the website, it is the last date today to print the application but still the application is not complete and this is the fault on the part of government staff.

Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2024/0078702

Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Yogi M. P. Singh Date of Receipt, 02/11/2024

Received By Ministry/Department Uttar Pradesh

Grievance Description

The matter concerns the functionality of the website inviting application for a scholarship and fee reimbursement from the students who are fresh as well as renewal of the scholarship application. Status not received from NPCI server , Checked Date:-(02/11/2024 19:55:18). Same status is showing from 23rd October 2024 and onward. Please provide the information about whose fault is this?

An application under article 51A of the constitution of India to make inquiry regarding the response from the Server of National Payments Corporation of India as no proceeding regarding the filling up of the form is moving forward. It is quite obvious that the applicant waited for 10 days but there is no improvement in the status and the server of the national payment corporation of India, as not providing status.

The attached pdf document with this representation submitted in the form of grievance has three pages which are as follows.

1- The first page is the registration form of my daughter Bhoomika Singh for submitting an application for scholarship and fee reimbursement.

2- The second page of the attached PDF document shows status not received from the national payment corporation of India.

3- The third page of the attached pdf document is showing the current status of the ongoing filling of the application form for scholarship

Preeti Singh

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