Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2024/0083513
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Yogi M. P. Singh
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Uttar Pradesh
Grievance Description
Gmail Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh
OTP for verifying your mobile number and Email-ID RTI ONLINE
3 messages
RTI-Online 19 November 2024 at 20:11
Reply-To: RTI-Online
Dear Sir/Madam,
Your View Status OTP is 347655
Note:-This is a system generated mail. Please do not reply it UPADMIN
Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh 19 November 2024 at 20:28
To: RTI-Online
Again same message displaying the screen of the computer
Bank URL Not Found!
Rajkosh Payment Gateway having issues!
Quoted text hidden
Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh 19 November 2024 at 20:35
To: RTI-Online
3rd time this message displayed on the screen of computer
Bank URL Not Found!
Rajkosh Payment Gateway having issues!
Quoted text hidden
Public information officer Tehsildar Sadar must take a glance of the following communication of executive engineer electricity distribution division 2nd district Mirzapur Mr Manish Kumar Shrivastava dated 5th November 2024. According to it, letter number 6482 dated 21st October 2024 has been sent to Tehsildar Sadar by executive engineer.
कार्यालय अधिशासी अभियन्ता
विद्युत वितरण खण्ड-द्वितीय, पूर्वान्चल विद्युत वितरण निगम लिमिटेड, फतहाँ, मीरजापुर
पत्रांक 6769 वि०वि०ख०-द्वि० (मी०) /
दिनांक 5/11/24, विषयः- पी०जी० पोर्टल सन्दर्भ सं० 60000240206567 के सम्बन्ध में।
श्री योगी एम०पी० सिंह निवासी मोहल्ला-सुरेखापुरम कॉलोनी, श्री लक्ष्मी नारायण बैकुंठ महादेव मन्दिर, रीवां रोड, मीरजापुर।
आप द्वारा पी०जी० पोर्टल सन्दर्भ सं० 60000240206567 के माध्यम से श्री दयानंद सिंह पुत्र श्री शोभनाथ सिंह निवासी नीबी गहरवार, थाना-विन्ध्याचल, जिला-मीरजापुर की दिनांक 18.04.2021 को फसल जलने के सम्बन्ध में मुआवजा / क्षतिपूर्ति प्राप्त करने हेतु की गई शिकायत के सम्बन्ध में अवगत कराना है कि इस कार्यालय के पत्रांक 6482/ वि०वि०ख०-द्वि० (मी०) / दिनांक 21.10:2024 के तहत तहसीलदार-सदर, जनपद-मीरजापुर को उक्त प्रकरण की जॉच हेतु पत्र प्रेषित किया गया है। जाँच रिपोर्ट प्राप्त होने के उपरान्त क्षतिपूर्ति के सम्बन्ध में विभागीय नियमानुसार कार्यवाही किया जायेगा।
सादर सूचनार्थ प्रेषित । मनीष कुमार श्रीवास्तव अधिशासी अभियन्ता
Public information officer Tehsildar Sadar must provide the following information to the information seeker point wise as follows.
1- Provide the name and designation of the public staff belonging to the office of tehsildar sadar who received the communication पत्रांक 6482/ वि०वि०ख०-द्वि० (मी०) / दिनांक 21.10:2024.
2-Provide the name and designation of the public staff currently processing the communication पत्रांक 6482/ वि०वि०ख०-द्वि० (मी०) / दिनांक 21.10:2024.
3- Provide the action taken report on the communication पत्रांक 6482/ वि०वि०ख०-द्वि० (मी०) / दिनांक 21.10:2024 by TehSildar Sadar.
4- Provide the copy of the subsequent communications exchanged by Tehsildar Sadar with the executive engineer electricity distribution division second Mirzapur.
5- Right to reason is the indispensable part of the sound administrative system quoted by Apex in its various judgments. Please take a glance of the first page of the attached pdf document sent by the revenue inspector on 19 June 2021 to executive engineer electricity distribution division II regarding the crops burn on 18th April 2021 of Mr Dananda Singh S/O Sobhnath Singh.
Please provide the reason that this communication was not signed by Tehsildar Sadar or sub divisional magistrate sadar as the administrative head of the department. By taking recourse of this signature concerned accountable staff of the department of electricity is not providing compensation to the aggrieved farmers.
This is a humble request of the information seeker to the public information officer to provide the five points information to the information seeker within stipulated 30 days as prescribed under substation one of section 7 of the right to information act 2005.
Grievance Document
Current Status
Case closed
Date of Action
प्रकरण आई0जी0 आर0 एस0 से अश्रेदित नही है
Rating Remarks
Most respected sir the matter concerns the dysfunctional website of the RTI portal of the government of Uttar Pradesh and you are saying that matter does not concern with this portal. Here complaint has been made regarding the dysfunctional website which means a complaint will be redressed by the public grievance portal or Jansunwai Portal of the government of Uttar Pradesh. The applicant knows well that complaint or grievances are redressed by the public grievance portal or Jansunwai Portal and information is sought by RTI portal but here complaints are being made regarding the dysfunctional website so it concerns with the working of the public staff indulged in the redressing of the grievances of the people in the state in order to sort out their problems. It is most surprising that concerned a staff of government of Uttar Pradesh did not understand submissions of grievance which is root cause of overlooking grievance without considering and forwarding it to concerned mandate.
Officer Concerns To
Officer Name
Shri Arvind Mohan (Joint Secretary)
Organisation name
Government of Uttar Pradesh
Contact Address
Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow
Email Address
Contact Number