Grievance Status for registration number : DOTEL/E/2024/0031283
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Mahesh Pratap Singh alias Yogi M. P. Singh
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Grievance Description
Telecommunications >> Mobile Related >> Improper Network Coverage
Mobile Number : 7379105911
Service Provider : Reliance JIO Infocom Limited
The matter concerns the mobile numbers- 7379105911 and 9696389653 belonging to Reliance JIO Infocom Limited.
The resolution of the Reliance JIO Infocom Limited company-This is reference to complaint related to network connectivity issue. Acknowledging the complaint, our team already outcalled the customer and spoke to customer Mahesh Pratap Singh, 9696389653 and informed site was down due to which network issue now site working. Hence, issue now resolved. Hence, please close
The resolution submitted by the concerned staff of the jio infocom private limited is arbitrary and inconsistent because since the morning the applicant is suffering from the poor network of the jio service providing company which is quiet obvious from the attached photographs to the grievance.
Grievance Status for registration number : DOTEL/E/2024/0028551, Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant-Mahesh Pratap Singh alias Yogi M. P. Singh, Date of Receipt- 29/08/2024, Received By Ministry/Department-Telecommunications
Grievance Description-When the complaint is made by the applicant then matter is resolved for a few days thereafter the same practices are continued which is quite obvious from the attached screenshot to the grievance. When will the temporary outage be resolved by the team of experts of the jio company? The staff of the company provided the same parrot report in the following grievance also.
I have recharged mobile number 9696389653 in advance for 1 year which services will initiate from the 7th September 2024 but because of poor network coverage I have been bored with the network of the jio so I want to get my mobile number ported Bharat sanchar Nigam limited if service providing company jio may refund my subscription fee paid in advance.
Grievance Document
Current Status
Case closed
Date of Action
Duplicate complaint raised by customer we have already shared the final resolution to the customer multiple times hence no further action required from Jio end.
Rating Remarks
Officer Name Radha Nair (DGM) Organisation name Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited Contact Address Reliance Corporate IT Park Thane-Belapur Road Navi Mumbai In general complaints are submitted by the aggrieved consumers of the jio service providing company because of the poor delivery of services if at any time service is poor then grievance is submitted by the customer and after some interval if the service again disrupted then the complaint is again made by the consumer and in this way to reject the Grievances in the name of duplicate complaints then what is the meaning of public grievance portal of the Government of India. When ever service providing companies will provide poor services then a literate consumer will always submit representations before the concerned company to protect their consumer rights and in this way complaints of the consumers cannot be overlooked without looking into the pros and cons of the Grievances if there is good governance in the country.
Officer Concerns To
Officer Name
Radha Nair (DGM)
Organisation name
Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited
Contact Address
Reliance Corporate IT Park Thane-Belapur Road Navi Mumbai
Email Address
Contact Number