Rs.300 is asked for serving notice by Tehsil Sadar in processing of mutation

 Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2024/0077180

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Uttar Pradesh

Grievance Description

An enquiry under article 51 A of the constitution of India as the matter may be concerned with the corruption and irregularities in the working of tehsil sadar, district-Mirzapur.

The matter concerns the working of the subdivisional magistrate Sadar, district Mirzapur regarding asking for rupees 300 for providing notice issued by the quasi judicial court working under the supervision of subdivisional magistrates Sadar.

Short submissions of the applicant are as follows.

1- The name of the aggrieved person is Keshav Prasad resident of Surekapuram Colony, Jabalpur Road Mirzapur City Pin code 231001.

2- A notice from the Court of the Tehsildar Sadar was served to him in case of mutation of the property after registry of the land.

3- This notice was served to him by an anonymous person claimed as the staff of the Tehsil Sadar District Mirzapur yesterday in the morning.

4- The anonymous person demanded Rs. 300 for the delivery of the public services including expenses of the petrol of the bike being used by him.

5- Tahsildar Sadar District Mirzapur must tell the applicant whether such charges are extorted from the parties of a case arbitrarily to whom notices are served by the quasi judicial courts in Tehsil Sadar.

6- Whether the accountable staff of the Tehsil Sadar will disclose the name and designation of the concerned staff of Tehsil Sadar reason to ask rupees 300 from aggrieved Keshav Prasad.

7-Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2022/59214, Grievance Concerns To​, Name Of Complainant​, Yogi M. P. Singh​, Date of Receipt​-01/08/2022 and Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2022/59214, Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Yogi M. P. Singh Date of Receipt​ 01/08/2022

In the report dated 28 July 2022, accountable staff of Tehsil sadar, District-Mirzapur took the recourse of fact that applicant did not express individual problem but raised the matter concerning anarchy and corruption prevailed in the working of the staff. Therefore they are not amenable to redress the grievance.

They must only respond that in the last 20 years, how many plots were registered under Tehsil sadar? Provide information regarding mutation of those plots and also provide information regarding plots still awaiting process of mutation even when no title disputes and no other disputes as well.

प्रिंट इश्तेहार/सार्वजनिक सूचना

न्यायालयः- न्यायालय तहसीलदार, तहसील: सदर, जनपदः- मिर्जापुर

वाद दर्ज होने की तिथि: 17/10/2024

पुराना वाद सं०:- 14817/2074 नया वाद सं७:-T202416530114817

इश्तेहार की तिथि: 17/10/2024

ग्रामः- चन्द्रदीपा, परगनाः- केतित, आपत्ति की अन्तिम तिथि: 16/11/2024

श्री श्रीमतीः- आभा सिंह पुत्र/पुत्री/पत्नी/विधवा :- केशव प्रसाद पेशी की तिथि- 21/11/2024

निवासः- नीबी नहरवार 9628993985, मीरजापुर


श्री पुष्प कुमार पुत्र नवल सिंह निवासः- लोहदी कला, मीरजापुर

बजरिये :-


श्री श्रीमतीः- आभा सिंह पत्नी :- केशव प्रसाद,

ने एक प्रार्थना पत्र वास्ते नामांतरण पेश किया है कि उसने निम्न लिखित भूमि द्वारा बैनामा वरासत वसीयत प्राप्ति की है अतः दाखिल खारिज उसके नाम किया जाये।

भूमि का विवरण

क्र सं० 1 खतौनी खाता संख्या-00164, गाटा संख्या - 121, गाटा यूनिक कोड 220852-0121-000012, क्षेत्रफल-0.4300,

जनपद- मिर्जापुर , तहसील- सदर, परगना- कंतित, ग्राम- चन्द्रदीपा

बजरिये इश्तेहार हर खास व आम को सूचित किया जाता है कि यदि किसी को भी इस दाखिल खारिज में किसी प्रकार की आपत्ति हो तो 30 दिन के अन्दर (दिनांक 16/11/2024 तक) इस न्यायालय में अपनी आपत्ति पेश करें।

नोट-नायब साजिर इसकी एक पति तहसील से एक पति मौके पर चिपकर कर तथा एक प्रति मुख्य नगर अधिकारी/ प्रधान को, एक प्रति विक्रेता को, तथा एक प्रति सह‌खातेदार को (यदि कोई से) दिना कर आखिरी प्रति पर अपनी रिपोर्ट हैं।

उक्त तिथि को अवकाश होने की स्थिति में अगला कार्यदिवस।

अधिकारी (न्यायालय की मुहर) For more details, please take a glance of attached PDF document to this grievance.

Grievance Document

Current Status

Grievance received   

Date of Action


Officer Concerns To

Forwarded to

Uttar Pradesh

Officer Name

Shri Arvind Mohan (Joint Secretary)

Organisation name

Uttar Pradesh

Contact Address

Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow

Email Address

Contact Number


Preeti Singh

To study books and express view points on current topics and events happening in our society.


Your view points inspire us

  1. It seems that we are ruled by corruption in this largest democracy in the world which is quite obvious from day light demand of bribe at public places and most unfortunate thing is that when the complaints are made no public staff are interested to take action in the matter of corruption.

  2. It is a bitter truth of our society that whatever is going on is behind the screen and whatever they have not to do that comes before society is a matter of concern. What an incredible society we have formed and an incredible surroundings which can never be expected by civilised citizens.

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