Project director is not providing information even after second appeals
Appeal made against district development officer because he did not entertain 4 RTI कार्यालय जिला विकास अधिका…
Appeal made against district development officer because he did not entertain 4 RTI कार्यालय जिला विकास अधिका…
Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2023/0049992 Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant M…
Modi Sir can not saturate village panchayats with government awases because it is not reaching to entitled ca…
संदर्भ संख्या : 40019921021917 , दिनांक - 13 Oct 2021 तक की स्थिति आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण : शिकायत संख्या:-40019…
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