Satyam Shukla claims government did not provide scholarship or fee reimbursement


Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2023/0017422

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Uttar Pradesh

Grievance Description

The matter concerns the working of the social welfare officer District -Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh.

An application on behalf of Satyam Shukla son of Sachchidanand Shukla whose details are as follows. This application is submitted as an enquiry under Article 51A of the constitution of India.Last year you did not provide the scholarship by saying that the scholarship was not sanctioned due to the unavailability of the fund. This year you are taking the recourse of the non-declaration of the result by the concerned university. This is an excellent excuse to deprive students from scholarship. 

Honourable sir the scholarship of a large number of students has been rejected by the district scholarship committee on the ground that the results are not yet declared. Which means a large number of students have been deprived of the right to assistance from the government. Right to aid from the government is the constitutional right of a student belonging to the poor section. Sir, the result is not declared is the fault of the concerned University not the fault of the student. If there is no fault of the student how can a student be deprived of its constitutional right? Whether depriving a large section of students of the scholarship arbitrarily by the district scholar committee can be justifiable? Here it is quite obvious that the government must take action against the university staff who are accountable for the delay in the declaration of the results of the students instead of depriving a large section of students of the scholarship.Finally I request you to provide the scholarship to Satyam Shukla son of Sachhidanand Shukla who belongs to the poor farmer family.Scholarship and Fee Reimbursement Online System, Uttar PradeshPost matric scholarship and fee reimbursement session-2022-23 for students studying outside the state in the stateStatus of Online Application Form (Print Date : 08/03/2023)Educational Institution and District:K. G. S. DEGREE COLLEGE JOPA CHHANBEY MIRZAPUR, MirzapurRENEW OTHER THAN INTERRegistration Number:-690290502100151Class / Caste Group:-GENERALName of the Student:-Satyam ShuklaFather's / Husband's name:-SACHCHIDANAND SHUKLAdate of birth:-06/12/2001course and year-Bachelor of Arts 2 YearApplication Form Status1.Registration-Completed2.Final Submission Completed4.Account Verification Status-Verified By BANK5. Verification by District Welfare Officer- Rejected By District Scholarship Committee02/03/2023Reason: Result Not Declared yet/ Marks Mismatch, Result Not Declared yet/ Marks MismatchCurrent Status-Rejected By District Scholarship Committee

Details filled by the educational institution at the time of form non-transmission (2022-23) :-Status-Forwarded By Institute Status Date-15/12/2022


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