Vandana Singh is crying for justice before Gujarat police against inhuman treatment of her husband for many years but no ray of justice


Grievance Status for registration number : PMOPG/E/2023/0066612

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Prime Ministers Office

Grievance Description


Commissioner of police, Ahmedabad

Address- Near Petrol Pump, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Subject-Regarding further proceedings as F.I.R. registered as FIR No. Part A 11191030210051/2021 and charge sheet has been submitted before the honourable court by the Mahila Police Station, District-Ahmedabad city in the year 2021.under section-498 A, 323, 294 KH, Subsection 2 of section 506 and 114 of Indian Penal Code and Prohi. Act accordingly. For the more details, vide attached document to the grievance.

Where is justice in the state of Gujarat if wife Vandana Singh mercilessly beaten by the drunkard husband Rajkumar Singh repeatedly and police concerned registered F.I.R. under various sections of the Indian penal code but did not arrest the offenders who are freely moving in the city Ahmedabad.

An application on behalf of Vandana Singh W/O Mr. Rajkumar Singh D/O Nandlal Singh under Article 51 A of the constitution of India to seek status of the case cum complaint and justice concerned with domestic violence living separate with her husband at the place of her parents home for ten years. With due respect the applicant invites the kind attention of the Honourable Sir to the following submissions as follows.

1-The aggrieved applicant is living at the parents house, which address as follows.Name of the father- Nandlal Singh S/O Naval Kishor Singh, Village- Babura, Post- Babura, Police station- Vindhyachal, District- Mirzapur, State- Uttar Pradesh, PIN Code-231307, Mobile number- 7459814605

2-The address of the husband is as follows.8/9 Greenpark-2, Mahipal Nagar, B-9 , Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, State of Gujarat.

3-Rajkumar Singh and others accused are still running scot-free despite the statement of the applicant recorded on 18 Aug 2021 ipso facto from aforementioned F.I.R.

4- More than five months passed but offenders having no fear of police moving on the streets of Ahmedabad city showing insolence to the law order management in the state.

5-Your applicant is facing not only economic problems but also derogatory remarks of the society causing extreme pain to the applicant.

Because of the slow speed of prosecution the applicant is sinking in the ocean of depression. It seems that there is no ray of hope to get justice in surroundings of lawlessness and anarchy. Accused have managed to get bail because of a loophole in the dealings of the police. The misery of the applicant is as such. It seems that there is no justice for the vulnerable section in Gujarat. Think about the quantum of injustice incurred with the victim. After the interference of the police there was a ray of hope but now diminished. Here justice has been a puppet in the hand of rich and influential people.

Your applicant Vandana Singh wants justice from the Gujarat police which slept after submitting the charge sheet in the court of law. How much time aggrieved can live with her parents and drunkard husband may sell both movable and immovable properties inherited from ancestors. What is the future of the daughter of the aggrieved. Undoubtedly drunkard husband is worried about his daughter because he is only confined to liquor and hurling abuses on others. He will never mend his ways.

Grievance Document

Current Status

Under process   

Date of Action


Officer Concerns To

Officer Name

Shri Dhananjay Dwivedi (Principal Secretary)

Organisation name


Contact Address

General Administration Department Block No. 7/3, 3rd Floor, Sachivalaya, Gandhi Nagar

Email Address

Contact Number


To see the attached document to the grievance, click on the link


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