ROC Kanpur must provide sought explanation from M/s CLUB HIGH SKY (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED


Grievance Status for registration number : DCOYA/E/2023/0003518

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Corporate Affairs

Grievance Description

Corporate Affairs >> Investors Greivance >> Non-Refund of application money

Complete and Correct name of the company : Not Provided

CIN : Not Provided

State : ROC UP

There must be transparency and accountability in the dealings of the registrar of the company Kanpur and whatever they have assured to the complainant, they must keep their promise. Undoubtedly the action must be taken against the cheater company which is the demand of the hour when the corruption is on its Zenith. When the moral values are on a decline then people must come forward for the improvement and up gradation of the values in the society which are falling down. Think about the gravity of the situation. These people open the company only to cheat innocent and gullible people which can never be healthy practice for a democratic republic like India. The Government of India must adopt iron hand to deal with the promoters of such unethical practices by opening the companies and taking the licence from the government in order to garner the support of people in the name of credibility of the government. Such practises are lowering the dignity of the Government institutions.

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS OFFICE OF REGISTRAR OF COMPANIES, Uttar Pradesh 37/17, Westcott Building. The Mall, Kanpur-208001 (U.P.) t/Phone 0612- 2310443/2310227

Dated 07-03-2023

NO. TC/COMP/PG/20-143909//339

To                                                               M/s CLUB HIGH SKY (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED

                        P.NO.5, NEAR KALAYAN GIRI MANDIR, THAKUR GANJ, HARDOI ROAD, CHOWK Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226003

Sub: Complaint against the company By Yogi MP Singh


I am enclosing herewith a copy of complaint dated 17.02.2023 received though PG portal no. DCOYA/E/2023/0001099 dated 17.02.2023 of Shri Yogi M.P Singh, In this regard, you are requested to furnish para wise clarification/explanation on the each point of allegation made by the complainants along with documentary proof, if any within 15 days of this letter failing which necessary penal action under the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, will be initiated against the company and its

Grievance Document

Current Status

Under process   

Date of Action


Officer Concerns To

Officer Name


Organisation name


Contact Address

37/17 westcott building, the mall, KANPUR

Email Address

Contact Number


Reminder(s) / Clarification(s)

Reminder Date



​if any within 15 days of this letter failing which necessary penal action under the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, will be initiated against the company and its directors in default.

Service of this letter may also be served upon the directors of the company under section 20 of the Companies Act, 2013.

Encl: As above

Yours faitis(ly

(Charan Singh) 07/​0​3/​20​22

Asstt. Registrar of Companies Uttar Pradesh, Kanpur

To see the attached document to the grievance, click on the link


An anti-corruption crusader. Motive to build a strong society based on the principle of universal brotherhood. Human rights defender and RTI activist.

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