Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2023/0027176
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Dayanand Singh
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Uttar Pradesh
Grievance Description
The matter concerns the ambit of the superintendent of police Mirzapur to direct Station House Officer Kotwali Vindhyachal to register F.I.R. in the burning of crops due to Short-circuit.
Station Officer
Police Station-Vindhyachal, District-Mirzapur, PIN Code-231307
Subject-To register F.I.R. in the matter concerning burning of wheat crop due to Short-circuit.
Short submissions are as follows.
1-The crop of the Dayanand Singh son of Shobhnath Singh was burnt on 18th April 2021 due to short circuit. The report submitted by the concerned lekhpal on 15th June 2021 which was forwarded by the Kanungo and 19th June 2021 to executive engineer EDD II Mirzapur to provide compensation to the applicant. Honourable Sir may be pleased to take a glance of first page of the attached PDF document to the grievance.
2-The compensation is pending before the local office of the Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited by taking the recourse of the point. That Engineer EDD II Mirzapur seeking copy of the F.I.R. registered in the matter. Sir may be pleased to take a glance of first page of the attached PDF document to the grievance which is communication dated 07/11/2022 of executive engineer EDD II Mirzapur addressed to the applicant.
3-The applicant submitted hand written signed representation before Station House Officer Vindhyachal on 17 November 2022 to register an F.I.R. in the matter so that applicant may get compensation from Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited, then concerned staff said what is my benefit if we register your F.I.R. of crops burning due to short circuit. He suggested me to register online F.I.R. in the matter and denied to register F.I.R.. in the matter. Honourable Sir may be pleaded to take the perusal of page 10 of the attached PDF documents to the grievance.
4-The applicant submitted the following online F.I.R. which was rejected with the following remarks.
ई-एफ.आई.आर की स्थिति
क्र.सं-. 1 ई-एफ.आई.आर सं- 169472/2022 ई-एफ.आई.आर तिथि- 23/11/2022 : 14:17 ई-एफ.आई.आर की स्थिति- Rejected from SCRB (Reason:- आपका प्रार्थना पत्र इन अपराधों में नही आता है। UPCOP मोबाइल एप में अज्ञात/गैर नामजद अभियुक्तो के खिलाफ प्रथम चरण में निम्न अपराधो में ही मुकदमा/एफ.आई.आर पंजीकृत किया जायेगा। 1. वाहन चोरी, 2. वाहन लूट, 3. मोबाइल छिनैती/लूट/समान्य चोरी, 4. नाबालिग बच्चों की गुमशुदगी, 5. साइबर अपराध । अतः आप घटना स्थल से संबधित थाने से सम्पर्क करे। शिकायतकर्ता का नाम- Dayanand Singh मोबाइल नंबर- 9373315067
5-The applicant submitted following grievance on the prime minister office portal but this grievance was forwarded by the chief minister office to the Executive Engineer EDD II Mirzapur which was closed with remark that it is amenable by the police Kotwali Vindhyachal.
Grievance Status for registration number : PMOPG/E/2022/0330273
Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Dayanand Singh Date of Receipt 14/12/2022
Grievance Document
Current Status
Case closed
Date of Action
अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित प्रकरण में सम्बंधित से आख्या प्राप्त कर निस्तारण हेतु प्रेषित है आख्या संलग्न है complaint no 60000230085720 is closed
Reply Document
Rating Remarks
Appeal Details
Appeal Number
Date of Receipt
Appeal Text
Current Status
Officer Concerns To
Officer Name
Shri Bhaskar Pandey (Joint Secretary)
Organisation name
Government of Uttar Pradesh
Contact Address
Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow
Email Address
Contact Number
To see the attached document to the grievance, click on the link